Spelman College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Spelman College?


The most frustrating thikng about Spelman College would have to be the required courses that are need for general education but do not pertain to your major whatsoever. Some just seem competely unnecessary but are required to graduate.


The most frustrating thing about Spelman is that so many wonderful students attend and want to attend, but the school isn't able to offer superior finacial aid awards like some of the major schools. This leads to students either taking out student loans to compensate for their lack of funds, or some students choosing not to attend, and Spelman losing out on stellar students.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that we still have a 'curfew'. I believe we do because it is a private institution and it is a gated in school. The boys have to be off campus by midnight and no later than that.


The most frustrating thing about Spelman is that you are expected to do so much work in such a small period of time, which makes it hard to balance a socail life.


I believe the most fustrating thing about Spelman is the workload and learning how to manage time in order to get the workload completed. Since Spelman is known for being a fist-rate historically black college, the staff tend to hold students at a very high level, which means the workload can be heavy and the standards are high. When a person is in college, it can be hard to balance a social life and school work, which makes Spelman's amount of work and expectations kind of fustrating for me, a college freshman.


Spelman does not give a lot of scholarships so you either have to get outside scholarships, struggle financially, or have to drop out if you do not have the money and cannot get loans. Some of our students had to go through that because if we're paying $40,000 per year and not getting financial aid from the school, how would it be possible to stay?


The rules because of it being a private school. Its not as independent as one would expect college to be


The most frustrating thing about my school is the freshman dorms. They could use some progress.


The most frustrating thing about Spelman was the sorority life. I hated seeing women degrade and humiliate themselves to become apart of an organization that was supposedly based on community, leadership, scholarship, and sisterhood.


The most frustrating thing is waiting in the long lines if you forgot to do something, and not keeping track of your account records as far as financial aid. There are so many things you have to set up during New Student Orientation week and you have to make sure that all of your financial aid is paid up for the year. There is no one reminding you to do anything and if you wait until the last minute you will end up in a long line that will drive you absolutely crazy!