St. John's university has a real diverse student body. Yes you have your nerds, your Jocks/Frat Boy, your wealthy snobs, and your arrogant jerks. Overall though, most students are real friendly and cool to be around.
Outgoing and diverse.
My classmates are energetic, encouraging, responsible, motivating, successful, helpful, progressing individuals that love to progress and share their experiences with other classmates to help them succeed even if they don't know them.
The classmates within St. John's University were all very diverse.
The environment at St. John's is spirited and enthusiastic, but if you don't actually open yourself up and put yourself out there, you can feel distant from the community. Coming into new environments is definitely daunting and intimidating, but by getting involved you are likely to find like-minded, as well as different and interesting, people. No matter what, stay true to yourself. Honor youreslf. Stand firm in who you are. People will love you for YOU.
My classmates are well behavied and friendly. Boys will be Boys but they don't mean any harm and I enjoy their presecense.
My classmates are there to learn and people have different ways of learning, so everyone can be comfortable and have a productive thought process.
The hierarchy at our school is somewhat hidden but for those who look closely you will
Notice the Asians are at the top with the most money then white and Spanish middle class then poor black on the bottom. Which is a shame because the ghetto bring everyone else down. But by the way people dress and act you couldn't tell the difference between who stands out and who doesn't especially rich or poor. There really aren't that many cliques in the dinning halls just friends. It's only the sororities and fraternities that isolate themselves. We have Alot of foreign exchange students from other countries all over the world. We all talk about what kind of jobs we will have when we graduate and how much we will make. We rarely discuss politics.
The students at St. John's University are very polite and well rounded students. They listen when others are speaking and have the utmost respect for one another. If one student was out or missed a day due to an emergency, they will help that student to catch up on what was missed.
The students at St. John's are very... diverse. We actually attend school in the most diverse location in the United States, Queens, NY. In our largest cafeteria, Montgoris, you mainly see Freshman and resident students. Most tables are divided by those living together, those in the same major, and those from the same area. We have students from all over the country and internationally, but they do not always co-mingle here. The Cali people love to stay together, and it is the same for DC area, and NY area. It is a comfort zone. Students connect because of music. At most of our campus events, our campus DJ plays R&B and Hip Hop tunes that everyone seems to love, despite the race or area the person is from. Many students are from New York and commute. It creates a division of those that are from out of state and those that are New York natives. The New Yorkers have done it all before, and the out of state students are amazed by the city.