Because of the religious emphasis at this school, you'll find a lot of very religious kids here. Conservatives are predominant, but you'll find your share of liberals too. Hipsters and artsy people may have difficulty finding others like them; the arts program here receives very little support.
However, even with the university being so religious, the diversity at St. John's is unmatched. Straight, gay, Black, Latino, White, Mediterranean, Italian, Irish, Indian--the list goes on forever. A lot of students dress in brand-heavy clothes (such as American Eagle, Uggs, Hollister, etc.) but you'll see just as many wearing sweatpants and a comfy sweater. It doesn't matter what you look like here because there is no definition of what you should dress/look like. Most of the kids I know aren't wealthy, or if they are, I can't tell. No matter your background, you'll find somewhere here to fit in.
There are many different types of students at St. John's University in Staten Island. Although it may seem that there is an overwhelming predominate Italian population, there is many different races, religion, gender, or sexual preference on campus. There is no sense of discrimination on campus at all, and in my entire time on campus I have never ones felt that I was being discriminated against due to my ethnicity. It would seem that there is more of a sense of acceptance that can be seen around campus, which for most would seem contradictory due to the largely Italian population. But in fact this is not the case, these students seem to include everyone from day one, and welcome you with open arms.
There are so many students who come from different backgrounds, whether its race, religion, culture, or even other countries! At my on-campus job, I've had so many opportunities to meet international students and catch a brief glimpse of the world through their eyes. However, several times I've seen students from the same race congregating together. Although St. John's is diverse, students with similar backgrounds do sometimes stick together.
The clothing style on campus varies as well. Students wear anything from college chic to the latest fashion trends. Although I wouldn't say there were a lot of outrageously unique styles, there are some people who do dress liberally and rock the look! They add a bit of spice to the campus.
It's hard to really place St. John's students into one category, though. There are some who are more street-savvy, and others who are all about education. Political views vary as well as life goals. It's the perfect place to find your niche, though, since there is such a wide variety of people.
Since my freshmen year, my classmates are very open when you need help, either with class notes, an assignment, or a project. Typically, my classmates are very level-headed and sociable when the time is right.
Saint John's University is larely a commuter school, so most of my classmates are like me- students who have lived in New York for the majority of their lives, and either drive or use public transportation to get to school.
There's a pretty good mix of students who genuinely care about what they're doing and what they're working for and students who are generally apathetic to their classes and coursework.
They are interesting people, from all different backgrounds and walks of life.
Many of my classmates work hard and are serious about pursuing their major.
My classmates are like a party snack mix, their totally different. Some students come from rich families, some come from poor families. Some of my classmates are sure of what they want to do in life and are very determined to get there while others need some guidance but are just as driven.
My classmates are kind, caring, intelligence, hard working and responsible.