If you want a traditional college experience where the campus is the center of town, do not go to St. John's. Also, Greek life is not very big on campus. If you can't deal with crowds, subways, or snow, you probably do not want to choose a school in New York City.
some one who can't afford its huge tuition.
I wouldn't recommend someone who is extremely to come to St. John's. St. John's is always looking for students who are willing to put their voice out there so they could potentially make a difference. If you're afraid to speak out, St. John's isn't the best place for you.
The type of person that should not attend St. John's University is one that prefers to party much of the time, instead of study.
The person that should at attend this school should be someone that likes a small campus. They should enjoy small classrooms and an environment that isn't in the city but is easily accessible to the city. The campus suits someone who would love living in apartment style dorms tucked away on a hill in a somewhat wealthy neighborhood.
Someone local to New York would probably not enjoy attending this school, there is not enough attention to commuters and it is a bit inconvenient to travel unless you live in the immediate area.
Any person who isn't open minded to diversity and experiencing the lives that different cultures live. There are so many different ethnicities at St. John's and it broadens a person's outlook on life.
The type of people that should not attend Saint John's University are those looking for a strong sense of community when selecting a collegiate institution. If you are seeking a university that will challenge you in your major, the only truly academically challenging schools are Tobin College of Business and the School of Allied Health. Aside from the fact that St. John's student population is a very diverse but, the majority tend to stay within their own ethnic groups. Being a Catholic-Vincentian University, the school is a dry campus and believes in abstinence above all.
A person who doesn?t respect people with different ethnic backgrounds and cultures should not attend St. John?s University. St. John?s University welcomes students who practice different religions. One who criticizes another just for practicing a different religion should not attend St. John?s University.