St John’s University-New York Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend St John’s University-New York?


People that like the city life and alot of noice.


A person who wants a smaller college experience and would rather be in a more city environment rather than a residential area should not seek out enrollment in this university.


those that want everything available on campus, looking for a party school or football team.


Someone who does not care about their school-work or future. Also, any person that is very lazy and doesn't like sitting in classes of the lecture type should not attend this school.


The type of person who should attend this school is any person. This school allows you to be who you want to be, yes it is a catholic school, but you do not have to be catholic to attend. There are no specifics to attend this school you just have to want to work hard to achieve your goals.




People who wish to go forward in life and become something successful


Someone that enjoys the city and diverse settings. Someone that enjoys giving back to the community.


A person who doesn't like big crowds or a lot of walking shouldn't attend my school.


Someone who likes a relatively small school setting.