St John’s University-New York Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about St John’s University-New York?


The most frustrating thing about my school is how there are so many majors and different opportunities offered, that you cannot possibly explore each one. It makes it so much research must be done in order to succeed in creating a plan on how you will spend your years at this school.


Financial aid is by far the largest complaint among the student population. The school is pricey, but what you receive in return is often rewarding. Deadlines for financial aid come abruptly without warning, if you aren't aware or inquire.


There is nothing really frustrating about my school.


Lack of communication between adminisration and students.


I have yet to discover anything ridiculously frustrating about St. john's considering I am still new there, however, the overpriced cafeteria can get to one's spirits at times.


Tuition is the most frustrating thing. Sometimes we get un-notified tutuon inflation. When i stated my freshman year tuition was $50,000. It has already raised in just being there one year. Its hard o try to find wy to come up with that kind of money. Its a great school and graduationg from there would basically have you set for life as far as internships, externships, etc. but not when you cant afford it.


I would have to say is receiving proper academic advisement after your Freshman year. Freshmen receive a lot of focused assistance as they adjust to life as a college student but then are in a sense "thrown to the wolves" in their other years in navigating what classes or opportunities to take. You really have to fend for yourself after your Freshman.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the dorm hours. I believe dorm hours should not be until 3am. I think if you have someone in your dorm, they can stay as long as they want or as long as your other roommate allows. I know like in my situation, when i have people in my dorm, it is to study, and sometimes when we are not done studying, we get interrupted, because of the 3am rule. So i would like that ti change, because it is very frustrating.


The fact that it is really cold in new york and that the residence hall is on the other side of the campus.


The most frusturating thing would have to be the commute. I am a commuter and the commute is really hard because its about 2 hours, other than that nothing frusturates me.