St John’s University-New York Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about St John’s University-New York?


The most frustrating thing about St.John's University would be the cost of the tuition. Having to take out such a massive loan sits in the back of my mind and sometimes distracts me from my academics and depresses me.


The most frustraing thing about my school is that it is predominantly one race. This is frustrating because everyone socializes with their own racial/ethnic group whihc makes it harder for em to make friends. This becomes a probem when working on group proects in class or or if I need help with anything school related because in the two years I have been there I have only made a handful of friends. When ever i need an assignment or anything like that I'm pretty much on my own.


The most fustrating thing about my university is the finacial aid services. there are over 30,000 full time students and at least 3,000 full time undergraduates in attendence. imagine trying to cheek on your finacial aid status after standing in line for 2.5 hours, only to be told either everything is in order or that you have unmet obligations that they, the workers cannot help you with. I got so fustrated last semeter that I no longer wanted to cry, I wanted to cry while keying the administration in charge of students services cars. it was terible.


The most frustrating is the financial aid office. There are students from the work-study program who try their best to help you but they simply do not have enough knowledge to perform the tasks they are supposed to complete. They should be well trained before being put on the desks.


When you get a lot of things due at the same time.


What I find most fustrating about my school is the lack of freshman knowledge when it comes to scholarships. I was unaware of the circumstances, and my gpa fell below a 3.0. I later found out I could no longer continue my major until my grades we're pulled up, forcing me to be at least one year behind my class. Other than that, everything else in my school was great my first year.


the cost


Most frustrating was the lack of support for students interested in academic pursuits in an extra-curriculur environment. Student organizations were required to hold events and participate in lengthy student meetings. These were geared toward cultural, social, and religious groups. The administration once indicated that they believed honor societites held no inherent value for the university, and unless they sponsored events, they should not continue to exist. Aditionally, no support waas given to students in regard to planning and carrying out events, and protocol for documenting them changed annually (at least). It was infuriating and disheartening.


The times the food facilities close and visitation rules.


I can't say much because i never experienced anything similar in the 4 year i been there.