Stephen F Austin State University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


I have attended Stephen F. Austin for a semester and there are a few things that the school seems to be best known for. Many of the students have come for the forestry and agriculture majors , which seems to be a very good program. They also offer many undergraduate majors that correlate with graduate programs that one may complete at SFA instead of having to transfer to another school.


This school is best known for its more affordable education and closeness to home. Most students who attend here live within a few hours distance so that they get a quality education but are still able to visit home when they need to.


small classes




I think SFA is best known for being a drinking school and for having a newly updated campus.


Actually, its known for partying and having a high percentage of STD's. I don't participate in any of that which is why I don't have a huge social life when it comes to being at the college. I stayed at home because of financial reasons, but really there's not a whole lot for me to do on weekends on campus except sporting events, which suits me just fine.

