Stephen F Austin State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Stephen F Austin State University?


I dont bragg about anything never been my thing to bragg about something.


The campus is really beautiful.


We have one of the best nursing school's in the nation which I am attending


The Campus, it is absolutely gorgeous!


The one thing i brag the most about is how my school has so much to with all the activites going on daily and all the studnet organizations anybody and everybpdy can fit in her no matter what.


The things that I tell my friends about Stephen F Austin is that it has made me grow up a lot and that I have to look for my own self to find the answers about my major through other students than from the professors that should have more knowledge about this major. I just inform my friends if they ever decided to go to SFA that you should definitely make sure what they want to do before they apply there. I was not very welcomed into my major here at SFA so I am disappointed with this school.


I brag about the amazing pine trees and the small campus. The campus is very nice and walking around it you just feel like you belong. Also the recreational center is top notch in my book and it is easily accessible.




The location and how small the class sizes are. It is so much easier to learn that way than in an auditorium of 400 kids.


I love my online classes. The resources available to us electronically are amazing. We have a great online class site as well as well updated school home page, text alerts for emergencies, and continuously updated e-mails that show us any upcomong events or reminders of deadlines.