Stephens College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Stephens College know before they start?


Make sure you go all around and look at different colleges. Look at the campus, how many people per class, tution, what they offer for finanical aid, and shopping places. Make sure they have your major. Look at the location, is it in a good town? Do they allow pets and is there parking for freshman. Some schools don't let freshman bring cars to school. What are the laundry facilities like on campus and how much does it cost to use it. Make sure your room is nice and that your like it. Take a lot of campus visits. Just make sure that your choose the right school for you.


My advice about finding the right colege and making the most of the college experience? Figure out what you are passionate for and make a serious commitment to taking the opportunity and the innitiative to be the person you always wanted to be. You have to "make your own luck" in life. College is an era in our lives in which we figure out not only our desired destination in life, but we also figure out more about our different inner selves and how to satisfy them. So when it comes to finding the right college, pick a place that has an environment that fits you like a second skin and cators to your own wants and needs. The "college experience" is different for everyone, a place where you make your own luck and design your own future, a place where you can paint the picture of who you want to be with the colors of yourself. All you need to do is pick the right brush!


Don't make any final decisions until you've made a campus visit and sat in on class if possible. Don't rule anything out just because it's a women's college. Know what you want. Talk to current students, they are usually very honest with you. Meet people, join groups, explore the area. Don't lock yourself away in your room. Be serious about your education and you can still have some fun too.


Always check into financial aid, even if you don't think you'll need it. Trust me. It's good to know everything about the school you intend to go to.


First you need to make sure that they have your major. Also you need to make sure that they have a lot of different majors because most people change their major their Freshman year. You might want to set aside money for college early beacuse it is very expensive. During highschool go on college visits and she if you like the school and see how big the classes are. Find out how much tution is going to be. Some college do it quartley and some do it by semester. Find out what kind of actitvites they have and what kind of clubs you can join. See if there are stores near by or in walking distance. Some schools don't allow freshman to bring there cars down the first year. You also want to make sure that the school offers you a lot. Helping you find internships and getting jobs when you get out of school. Also see how much money they will give you for school and she if they help you find grants and different kind of scholarships so you won't have to take out a lot of loans. Somewere you will enjoy your next four years.


Make sure to talk to students other than the student amasadors for the school. I found that most of the people I spoke with sugar coated everything. Once I was on campus I learned so much more about the school from regular class mates. I wish I would have known then what I know now.


Don't focus on the price too much. Focus on the future earnings of the student, and how that might balance out the cost of the college education later. Make sure you've visited the college so you know the feeling of it, and never choose a school based on the career you think you might want to pursue: most college freshman change their minds two or three times! Don't think you have to get it perfect the first time, you can always transfer at any point in your college career if you're not happy or something changes. Don't stress: this should be fun! Learn a little about yourself in the process, as well.


Visit the campus, stay overnight if you can. If you wake up or look around and think "I want to live here!" then go for it. Sure the classes are important but you also have to deal with the weather, people etc. So consider that too.


I would say go visit, see the dorms and talk to the finicial aid. Also talk to some of the students, they often give the best advice.


Make sure you visit multiple times and attend the class to get to know the people in the school and in the community.