Sterling College-Sterling Top Questions

What should every freshman at Sterling College-Sterling know before they start?


Dear High School Self: 1. Ask questions: If your brain is churning with questions, ask your teacher! It will not only benefit you, but it will benefit those around you that may be wondering too! Questions foster learning. Teachers are there to help you! 2. Don't procrastinate or just get by: The habits you form now will carry over not only into college but also into the rest of your life. By waiting until the last minute or not utilizing your full potential, you're only hurting yourself! Be proactive. 3. Actually read your textbooks: I know it's hard to muster up the willpower to flip open that dusty, outdated book, but there is so much knowledge you can acquire! You may think the teacher is asking too much, but you'll find you actually retain more and enjoy the material when you read it to the fullest! 4. Don't be afraid: Uncertainty is associated with new beginnings, but don't make a mountain out of a molehill. You will be right where you need to be. You will have friends. With a hard work ethic, you will succeed. Capitalize on your circumstances! Sincerely, Your Future Self


The advice I would give myself as a high school senior knowing what I know now about college life, and making the transition would be, "do not wait, find a way and take your education seriously!" High School is the stepping stone to college; high school gives you the edge you need to be ready, from basic algebra to chemistry. Having a young mind and taking the material you have learned in high school will make the transition so much easier for the college level material. Take your education seriously, always strive for the best and always be one step ahead, if do these steps then you will be successful and unstoppable. When you feel tired and you begin to say you cannot do it, reverse your feelings. Tell yourself you can do anything and picture your future and will overcome this obstacle. College will not be easy but having an overall understanding that it will be your education that will provide a secure future makes it worth it in the end. Imagine two to four years from now; you will be a well rounded individual with a job you enjoy going to everyday, stability, security and a college degree!


Going back in time to myself as a senior in high school would be the most amazing experience in my life. I would not change that much, except I would tell myself to become more social. The biggest thing about college is being social, making new friends and going out and doing things with others. Now as a freshman in college, I didn't take very many of those chances and now I am starting to regret it. I grew up focusing on my grades in high school so I could get to college. In college, it is about grades, but it is also about having fun. Not that I didn't have fun my first semester, but I could have had more.


I was never actually a senior in highschool; I graduated at the age of sixteen through homeschooling. If I could go back in time to talk to myself while I was still in highschool, I would tell myself to rededicated my time and efforts into learning as much as I can. Even though I have always been a dedicated student, college is not as easy as highschool was. There is a lot more homework and classwork and projects and essays and material I will not understand until I have read it till my eyes hurt. I would tell myself to always perservere and never let myself quit so I wouldn't just keep quitting when stuff got too hard. Lastly, if I could go back in time and talk to myself, I would assure myself that I can do it and tell me to always give it 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}.


If I was given the opportunity to talk to myself as a high school senior, the two bits of information I would most definitely tell myself are that I need to prepare myself more by researching the types of classes that my engineering major requires; the second bit of information that I would tell myself would be figuring out my financial situation. I would tell myself the first bit because, although I had chosen my major, I wasn't quite prepared in a sense of knowing what type of education I would be learning, or the types of careers in this field. Not only that, but once I began my college career, because I hadn't researched the types of classes my major requires I feel that my classes are skewed and not in unison towards my major, so far. The second bit I feel like I would need to tell myself is because now that I've began my college career in a private institution, tuition is difficult to maintain without becoming in debt. Now that I have reached this point, I feel there were some steps I could've taken to lessen my financial problems.


I would tell myself to take more dual credit classes. I did take a lot in highschool but i still could of taken more. I would also tell myself that just to be myself, that I have nothing to worry about. Try to get to know as many people as possible because those freinds will stick with you for the rest of your life and dont get so set on one girl go out and meet as many as you can. Thats what I would tell myself. But on the same hand I have no regrets here at Sterling I have loved every minuete of my stay here.


Go out for a sport, so that you can have some friends. Try to get involved in activies while you aren't overloaded with homework. Try to get to know a lot of people. Sometimes friends go to a different college the next semester or the year after.


Make sure you apply for as many scholarships as you can so that you don't have to be in debt the rest of your life. Also make sure that you don't have too much fun your freshman year so you can focus on studies. Make sure you try to make friends that will be there for you for the rest of your life. Its not about the quantity of friends but the quality of friends you have.


Be realistic in your goals and give yourself time to adjust to being on your own. Don't take life to seriously and have some fun... but not too much fun... Apply boundaries and balance. Work out! Practice yoga! Study! Eat right! Get enough sleep. Enjoy yourself and embrace the fact that your education its a gift; recognize you have all those professors there at your disposal. Use their knowledge! Respect yourself and your body! Know your limits. Remember you are so special and that you can have and accomplish whatever your heart desires. Allow yourself time to change your mind. Follow your hearts passions if you do you will end up in a career you love. If you don't know what you are meant to do yet, be patient. Travel whenever you can. Sing, dance, play. Believe in yourself, if you don't how can you expect anyone else to? Love yourself.


I would have to say that you have to pick a place where you will be comfortable. A place where you feel that you can accomplish your goals. Find a school where you think that you can get the best education to achieve your degree. Also, if you start at one school and find out that it is not the place for you then don't worry. You can transfer to another school that just might be the one.