Stevens Institute of Technology Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Stevens Institute of Technology!


Looks can be deceiving as far as social life is concerned. It is fun. As far as the work goes, it is not deceiving, its hard. But if you focus you'll have no problem.


Mechanical Engineering originated at Stevens. The school has been very influential on the world of engineering. The now international American Society of Mechanical Engineers began here. New York City, quite arguably one of the most amazing cities in the world, is directly across the river and the famous skyline is your scenery walking to class. You can get into the city in about twenty minutes.


The atmosphere is much different at Stevens than any other school I had visited in several aspects. The students have great pride in their ability to call Stevens their college, making them more pleasant and driven to succeed. Additionally, the location gives a fast-paced, responsible and hard-working atmosphere that reinforces the need to do well academically and have a successful career.


The opportunities after graduation. If you graduate you are more than likely going to get a job within six months. The workload is pretty heavy, but it pays off to have such amount of work.


the location and the amount of greenary around even though we are right near the city


Loaction; Campus; Reputation; Buisness Connections




It is the oldest engineering school in the nation. Though it's through the engineering program at NYU, its proximity to NYC definitely gives it an advantage.


It allows someone to be a part of many differnt clubs and sports. The campus is small but you still meet different people everyday.


Being located by new york city, the male to female ratio (3:1), the students are all quite alike, we're all nerds, but most of us are cool