Stevenson University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


Our school is best known for being a small institute that is very academically focused. Because we are a small school we have small class sizes so there is more one on one attention between students and professors. This makes students feel more comfortable in the class room, which also makes engaging in lessons and asking questions easier.


Career Exploration and preparation


Stevenson University is best known for the small school settings. The professors choose to get to know the students. The Univeristy is located in a beautiful section of Stevenson, Maryland and is easily accesible to trains, buses and highways. Stevenson Univeristy is also know for their fun filled athletic department. Having so many teams to cheer on, gives a student plenty of activities to participate in.


My school is best known for its nursing program. At my school a lot of the students are nurses or in some type of science program.


My school is best known for its comittment to to providing its students with jobs as soon as they graduate. It is very important to Stevenson University that when it's students graduate they have a career plan lined out with what they aspire to do. Our excellent career services team, works with its student on creating resumes and assisting it's students in finding summer internship so that they will furthmore be prepared for the job field in which they wish to pursue. Stevenson University is extremely supportive in helping its students be able to find their dream job.


The number of graduates that get a job in the business world.


My school is best known for its bachelor in science programs. The programs are amazing and teach you everything you need to know to get out into the real world and have very successful job. It is also known for the high success rate of graduating students.


Whenever I first heard about the University of Central Missouri I was told they had a very high amount of students with sexually transmitted diseases. Although I am not sure of that fact I do know that there is a large diversity of people attending and working at UCM.


My school is best known for graduates coming out of college with a job.


Being a private university that is most affordable in Maryland.