Stony Brook University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Stony Brook University!


There is a lot of racial and ethnic diversity. Many students are international or national exchange students like me. I am on exchange from the University of Memphis for one year. I am happy I am in New York. The campus has its own train station on campus and it takes about 2 hours to get into NYC on the LIRR. It does seem easier than it is in reality though. It is equally close to the Hamptons and the Long Island Beach areas. Serenity describes this campus very well. However, serenity can sometimes border boredom.


It has access to a train station right next to the campus allowing me easier access to go home. At the same time however, many people go home via the train station leaving the campus deserted on the weekends


It's a very diverse school.


It's is cheap for the education.


Internationally ranked programs, progressive and respected faculy, real student power within the school, freedom of speech and inquiry, very reasonable cost, established local history, but most importantly, one of the best undergraduate research programs in the world.


Diverse student population


Diversity of culture, class, background is everywhere at this school. SBU opened my eyes to the variety of life that exists outside of my small town in upstate NY. In my opinion, SBU is the best choice for people who want a superior education but can't afford a private school price tag. Additionally, the size of the classes forces you to distinguish yourself from other people which causes you to develop social and motivational skills necessary for the rest of your life.


Did not consider other schools.


Stony Brook finds research very important; something unique about this school is the fact that it allows its students to have a hands on experience. Having my major in mind, Biology, I considered Stony Brook as one of my top choices because of the fact that it is big on research. In addition, the competitiveness of getting into Stony Brook is increasing, demonstrating that the education recieved by its students is one of the best in the world.


we have a massive asian population.