Stony Brook University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Stony Brook University!


Stony Brook is what you make of it, and I am making the most I can, so I like it!


I want to re-emphasize the overcrowding. It is a very real problem that nothing is being done for.


People here need to get happy. Food prices need to go down. People should stop leaving on weekends. Too many people go to this college, its like its own city. You will meet close friends, but many people feel the ones at home are much more close and worthwhile.


Do not get me wrong. I always said I hate Stony Brook but I love it as well. I can not explain it. Stony Brook has helped me in so many ways that I did not know of. It does make you feel lonely but that just helps you to stretch your hands out and find friends to fix that.


WE NEED MORE LIVE MUSIC ON CAMPUS! Or more venues where students can go to listn to music and a venue where studnets can perform.


give us a better experience and stop trying to pull sneaky tricks by increasing prices, lowering standards and sticking us with 40 dollar parking tickets when prior yeas they wer 15 bucks. we're broke students tryin to get by. all else is fair though. if u can hack it at stonybrook and pull a dece score,,,,,ur worth ur beans.


Nope, your good ;).


I want a low fat dining option!!!! Something more than just salad. Maybe something vegan.


Lately, Stony Brook has had a ton of publicity for the crimes that have been taking place on campus. This is probably something that parents would worry about most when they’re child is applying here. Mainly, I would have to say to just not be stupid. Obviously things are not always in your control, but keep your door locked and make sure your roommates do the same. Don’t walk around campus alone at night. Yes, you are on campus, but no, you are not isolated from the rest of the world. This does not make Stony Brook a terrible place. Things do happen, unfortunately, wherever you go.


Biggest complaint about the school: weekends. Of the 9000 or so students who live on campus, at least half do go home on weekends. This can be a pain for those who live too far to go home or who live on campus for the sole purpose of being home as little as possible. I originally went home a lot on weekends my first year, mainly because the girl I was dating still lived home, and regret it all the time. Never let a girl get in the way of your freedom men, lesson learned the hard way. (Really the point here is it's hard to be dating someone when you leave for school.) So for your first semester here, do your best to stay around on weekends. You'll find things to do that took me a year to find and you'll be happier for it. I'm on my way out of here in a few months and everyday I wish I didn't have to leave. The school can be great if you give it a chance. Many students here never made the effort to be happy and they were unhappy because of it. Also could use some more gym space. Incoming froshies, make sure to lobby for that, because calling fives on a weightlifting bench doesn't always work.