Stony Brook University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Stony Brook University accurate?


There is of course truth to every rumor spread. Stony Brook is only a boring place if you don't get involved. College is all about what you make of it. And yes, there are students who use drugs, but not everyone who lives on campus does.


It's just as true of our school as there is of any school. I haven't seen or heard more or less than the average of any other school. I think it just came about because of the name of our school.


yes. except the part about all the students being intellectual geniuses. i am amazed that some ppl who are there, got in at all.


Not at all. First of all, I know a lot of students in this school that are on financial aid, in fact I, myself am on financial aid that has covered the whole semester's tuition AND gave me money back. The school is not expensive. It is definitely worth it to attend this school because the professors are wonderful and I have found that EVERY professor will help, some even go out of their way. The area outside of Stonybrook, once you are on Nicoll's Road has so much stuff to do on fact a mall is less than 2 miles away.


Most students are from Long Island and the rest of New York, but there is a bigger out of state student population than there seems.


Although weekends might seem dead at times, its really up to the student to make it worth it. Stony Brook does offer a range of activities over the weekends, when students do say they do nothing, its really because they stay in their room and are too lazy to go to the activities available. Also our weekends usually start on Thursday nights, instead of the usual Fridays at other Universities.






As I will be a junior as of Fall 2008, I believe that my experinces on campus (as well as the reviews of my peers) will support my claims.


For the most part, yes. But the school isn't filled with minorities. But filled with smart people.