About SBU - Sometimes accurate, I wish there was more stuff to do on campus, especially on the weekends. But at least they have the busses that take us to Wal-Mart and the mall on the weekends. They should have busses take us to other places too...
About the students - I don;t think that's necessarily true, but then again, all the people I hang out with are open minded. However, I have noticed that some students are unfriendly in classes when I try to make conversation with them, but that may be because they don't want to be in the class lolz
Not at all. Stony Brook has over 200 clubs so you can always find one, and if not, you have the ability to create a new one yourself! Also, there are multiple intramural sports and actual teams that students can participate in. The idea that everyone goes home on weekends is false because I certainly don't. There are things to do every single day of the week, all students have to do is look. Put a little effort into it! Resident assistants work hard to maintain their bulletin boards and keep it current with the latest events, take a look! Also, every building has flyers up for symposiums, talks by world famous individuals, and a plethora of other things. Those who say there's never anything to do need to leave their rooms and actually grasp what Stony Brook has to offer. There's plenty out there. You just have to be willing to see it. As for the majors, we offer tons of them! Not everyone is a science research but most people do take the opportunity to do research in the field they are in, whatever it is.
Yes. Stony Brook is an excellent school, but I strongly advise that if you have half a brain and are NOT from Long Island, that you live off campus. Long Islanders, for the most part, are really awful people. It's every man for himself out here.
Once again I'm not sure about the stereotypes.
Yes, except many decide to change their minds after they realize how challenging the course requirements are.
For me, I don't believe all of it.
No, these stereotypes are not entirely accurate. While there are a number of people who do go home on the weekends, a majority of the residents choose to remain on campus. Just because some students stay in their rooms all day doesn't mean that others aren't out there around the campus actually doing something! Also, the campus has a diverse student population. Take advantage of this fact.
Not at all...Stony Brook is probably one of the most Boring campus' in the country.
Everything mentioned is accurate.