I'm apart of the Marching Band via Color Guard, and we basically are LOVED by the University, sorry to brag but when you have the President sitting next to you having a conversation about her college days, you're pretty much set. But doesn't mean you have to go out an learn and instrument and join up, there are many ways to get involved and have a lot of fun. This is just my way of being apart of the University and contributing to it. Residential life, in corridor style, most students leave their doors open, at least in my hall and most halls around campus. Suite style, is more inclusive, but still have their perks. I love the campus life during Wednesdays when we have campus lifetime, between 12:50PM - 2:10 PM no classes are held. Usually there are events going on, from carnivals for Homecoming, or our my favorite, Strawberry Fest. We also have other events that are landmarks for our University, Roth Pond Regetta which we race duck taped cardboard boats across our dirty pond and hope it stays afloat. We're not a big athletic school, sorry we're into pre-med, pre-law not the NFLs or NBAs. But our big games can be really fun ie, homecoming, last game of the season, special event games. Also, our party night is Thursday, so avoid morning Friday classes, I don't since I have no choice, but I don't go out every Thursday. Either students go out to the local bars/clubs, certain sport houses (Rugby house, Baseball house, etc) or Frat houses. One thing to note, Frats/Sororities are like any other club on campus, don't play a major role, but are there if anyone is interested. Sororities don't have their own houses, there's a old rule on long island the prevents them from having one. What I do on Thursday, is go to local suite parties, I got bored of going to club/bars, more like got too poor to afford them and hated needed a new outfit every time I went.
there are a lot of activities to keep you busy, but most people dont attend them unless mandatory
Being part of a sorority I have found that there are many events/programs that occur on a daily basis that are interesting and worthwhile on campus-a definite plus to student activity options.
Althetic events are not popular at all. Few people attend them, but the administration is trying to change this.
Thursday night is the traditional party night at Stony Brook. There are dorm parties (although it is not really allowed) and many clubs around campus. There are many fraternities and sororities which are either diversified or based on ethnic background.
Weekends are rather dull at Stony Brook. Most people go home. Typically, on a Saturday night, I would go to one of the several places to eat around campus, the mall, or the movies.
Not involved in any groups whatsoever, and not a dormer so i dont know. i've met my friends and my boyfriends in my environmental classes. i dont want anyone in my life who doesn't care somewhat about the planet. and i'm not on campus enough to know about parties/hanging out/nondrinking events/sporting events/or any other listed question.
Many clubs and organizations to join, so that can keep you occupied. I have recently succeeded in reactivating the national honor society, Alpha Epsilon Delta-The Preprofessional Health Honor society, which will not only have brilliant premeds, but any student pursuing for a career in the healthcare field.
I don't live in a corridor style residence hall, but I have lived in suite style and now the West Apts and I know NO ONE ever seems to leave their room door open to talk to their suitemates. The front door- no way, everyone is too scared that their stuff is going to get stolen. So it's very possible to live in a suite or apartment and never talk to a couple of the people you live with. Many people at the Apts. have their boyfriend/girlfriend live with them to save on housing even though it's not allowed. A lot of people here at the Apartments have dinner parties. What you do I guess depends on who you know and what you are involved with. The bars in Port Jefferson or Smithtown aren't too bad to go to, but they aren't great either. I don't really know what else there is to do on this actual campus at night other than drink. There are movies though in the Staller Center but I don't think they are too popular to go to .
Well as a commuter my life is basically going to class and going home the social life on campus is minute. Stony Brook is not very good at mixing resident and commuter. Actually it seems they discriminate against the commuter and cater the resident.