Stony Brook University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


social life sucks. everyone goes home on weekends and its mostly a commuter school. i wish i went some where else.


No, we dont really leave dorm rooms open. Met most friends in class. If I'm awake at 2AM on Tues, probably procrastinating or going out to the bar. People party like every Thurs. The Greek Life at this school is not as big as it is at other schools. Off campus - shopping, going to Wal-Mart, hitting the beach. Hard to get off campus without a car. Public transportation sucks.


Like I said, there are over 200 clubs/organizations on campus including a great equestrian team, a wonderful ballroom dance team/club, religion based ones, ethnic education ones, etc... in addition to community service based clubs and pre-professional ones. Roth Regatta is one of the most popular events on campus where we compete with cardboard and duct tape boats across our very own man made pond. Another one is homecoming in the fall and strawberry fest. Earthstock is coming up and also sees a lot of participation.


There's plenty to do here, but I'm not the type to get really super involved, so I'm afraid I don't have much to say on this topic. However, I do know that many people get involved in sports and build social networks that way, while others choose from the extremely diverse array of clubs and organizations here on campus. Most people in dorms amuse themselves by drinking themselves silly, especially Thursday nights. Personally, I met most of my best friends by living in the dorms briefly. So, however horrible I think the dorms are, I would reccommend living in them to any incoming freshman.


Probably the most popular organizations are Asian religious groups. However, there aren't any predominently major organizations. one of the largest organization that is seen on campus a lot is NYPIRG (new york public interest research group), which spends a lot of time rallying for people to vote, as well as envionrments and consumer protection issues. Among political groups Social-Justice alliance and the Campus Republicans are also seen. I am a member of the crew(rowing) team, members of the team just like members of most other organizations are sort of in a clique. Because of the amount of time we spent together we know few people outside the team. We practice every morning at 6AM, for 2 hours eithe rowing or doing some intense cardio. While the team is a lot of fun and the best thing that I have going about this school, we constalty suffer from a lack of financial and overall support from the school. I can't comment much on the dorms since I've only been there aa few times. Athletic events/ guest speakers/ and theater are generally pretty unpopular. Except maybe for the Staller center, which receives some of the most popular shows in the world. The dating scene is diverse with some people dating, others not, I'm actually not so sure. As its probably clear from before, I met my closest friends by being a member of the crew team. I've also met some friends by working on campus and through my lab partners.


PUSO, ASA, The step teams. The Cat Network is a small but efficient group. I really love what we do and it serves the pre-vet purpose. Not in suite styles in Roth, anyway, corridor styles they do. Athletic events are not that popular. Guest speakers are not so popular either. Theater, I cannot say. I met my closest friends through friends of mine that went here and other people I knew. Probably school work. Homecoming and Spring week. People party often here if they can. Fraternities and sororities are not so important here. Last weekend I hung out with my friends. We play video games or watch movies. Off campus we go to the mall usually.


People immediately associate the college experience with drinking, getting drunk, going out to the clubs, etc. But what's the point of college if you're going to experience it in a drunken blur and constant hangover? Yea, have fun, but that's not what your experiences should be limited to. There are over 300 clubs and orgs on campus... they don't all involve drinking. It's funny, but while there are so many things to do on campus, you'll find that it's always the same people who do all those differnt things. I really enjoy taking part in Homecoming, Spirit Week, Roth Regatta... i enjoy going to the games as well. Especially now since the band is bigger, they really help create a festive atmosphere. I just really wish people would get more INVOLVED!!


Social life at Stony is highly overrated. The student activities board makes an attempt to put on programs but its nowhere near the level it should be at. People complain about a lack of things to do because the programs available are on the lame side. Outside of campus, this is definitely the kind of place where you need a car to have any real fun.


Frats seem to be the biggest group, everything else seems not important at all. Not many of these events seem too important.People party every thursday, and any other chance. I am one among the many who go hme every weekend.


Everyone should try the intramural sports. This is one thing SB definately gets right. As far as partying goes, the only real parties happen off-campus at clubs or frat-houses. Drinking is prevelant within the dorms.