Stony Brook University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Stony Brook University? Why?


they dont eally care much for the students its more about there reputation.


Nobody here likes eachother or the school. Mostly because this school makes everyone miserable with the lack of excitement or freedom on campus.


Some of the large intro science classes are hard to learn in because there is not much one on one learning.


The worst thing about school is when you enroll in a class that is required for your major, but the staff of that class are trying to reduce the number of students that pass. For example, my general chemistry and organic chemistry classes were so-called "weeding" classes because there are a lot of students taking those classes. When they tyr to "weed" me out, it reduces my motivation because I feel that no matter how hard I try, they're trying to fail me. During times times this, I focus extra hard to to continue with my studies.


The dorm sizes, my first semester here I lived in the tinest room with two other people when clearly its a room for at most two people. I got the upper bunk which was poorlyposition, my face was literally 6 inches form the ceiling and I had to slide out of bed every morning.


The poor engineering of the campus and poor landscaping that gets flooded when it rains.


Their really is nothing that the worst except that their are a lot of computers but their should be more and the computer rooms (SINC sites) should have better hours . They are open late at night for students who do work late but not for students who do work earlier than 9 in the morning.


There is nothing to do here ever except for if you take the train to New York City, but that is a two hour train ride and costs a lot of money.


Class sizes are too large which impedes class discussion and lack of homework!


That it is a commuter school.