Suffolk County Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Suffolk County Community College know before they start?


If I had the opportunity to go back and give myself a few words of advice in my senior year, I would say to myself...."work to your highest ability....give it all you have....go over and above and don't settle for handing in work that is merely just enough to get by!" Overall, I wish I worked much harder to keep my GPA higher all through high school. I really didn't take into consideration the astronomical prices of attending college. Maybe the reality of those costs were too difficult to comprehend for a young guy who had never been out on his own. If only I knew that even a few grade points higher might have made a difference in how much scholarship money I would be offered. This reality and truth has awakened my whole perspective on how seriously a high school student should take each and every assignment. This year, in my first year of college college tuition fees have become my reality. I want to transfer to a school in Nashville Tennesee to major in Music Buisiness to get my four year degree. Hopefully this scholership will help me achieve my goal!


If I were able to go back in time, November 2008 would be the ideal time to which I would return. I would have to tell myself that selecting a school shouldn't be based upon name recognition alone. Sure, I wanted to get into a great school, but I would have had an easier time selecting a school in the spring had I applied to schools that I could actually afford. Going to a local community college has many benefits. I would have to tell myself that my friends who went away to expensive schools would be having financial difficulties while I am able to save money every month. I would have to tell myself to save the time, money, and grief that came along with applying to schools that I could never afford, and stay local in order to save enough to transfer to my ideal school. I would have to tell myself that in the end, all that matters is the education you recieve.


If I was allowed to go back to myself as a high school senior, and give myself advice, I would say three things. One, save as much money as possible. Two: sell Bradley (my horse), and three: domore practice for the SATs.


If I had the chance to go back in time, one of the most important things I would advise would be to work on my self confidence and remind myself that it's okay to receive a low grade every once in a while. I would have remind myself that while on tests I occationally blank out, I am a smart individual and can pull my grades up if I set my mind to it. I would tell myself that one poor grade would not call for future failures, but instead offer a chance to improve myself. I would also remind myself to be proud of all my accomplishments, and not react negativly to something positive when it comes to anything in life. Since there is no way for me to go back in time, I will try my hardest to remember these things. I will do this so when I look back at myself again in the future, I will know that continuing my education and bettering myself was a positive and a wonderful experience.


Never give in, let your pride go now rather than wait till college, your a smart kid and your pride can help you a lot to make yourself known but you can't ever let pride be you, only let your pirde show who you are. You are an Actor, work on your craft and make it yours


I fi could go back in time I would tell myself to prepare for how much money it is going to take to be in college. I would also encourage myself to be more into my studies because three years down the line I will be regretting that I was not focused from the start. I would also tell myself that I should have stayed at a community colege to begin with instead of going to a four year school first.


Id say: "Listen big guy, dont date the first girl you meet, remember that classes first semester are NOT optional, and eventually you will come to appreciate the important things in your life."


The one piece of advice that I really wish that I could have given myself was to get my mind in gear and choose a major before the start of college, this way I wouldn't have to take two full semesters and one winter semester of Liberal Arts & General Studies due to the fact that I had no idea of what I wanted to do when I registered for college. Between the loss of my father and getting so many offers to different colleges in a vast amount of states across the country, and with no ideas as to what I wanted to do after High School, I was a bit stressed and therefore lost as to what I wanted to persue later in life. I am glad that I chose the automotive field to base my college studies in because I love my classes, my teachers, and the overall family atmosphere of the staff and the students within the program, as well as the fact that what I am learning now can be applied to everday life. Without transportation, the world wouldnt function, and my future will be a key element in making sure the world funtions efficiently.