SUNY at Albany Top Questions

What are the academics like at SUNY at Albany?


The teachers are lazy (partly a biproduct of union protection and partly from being unable to make it in the real world). They take their frustrations out on kids who might want to learn what they are teaching, if they were ever given a choice...


GPA fact sheets seem to indicate that UA kids are above average, but the truth is tests here are just super easy (my program- ISP major, BUS minor, plus Gen Eds of course). There is a lot offered- someone could learn a lot if they wanted to, but testing is low to let people 'get through' and allow the university to make money. I've heard a dirty little rumor that most universities are money making businesses- and UA is one of those schools trying to make a buck over setting a high bar of academic excellence. UA fits the stereotype of adolescent baby-sitter University...


-Do I know my professors names? Yes, every semester -Favorite Class? Project Reniassance Freshman year. Best college course ever. Other than that, Social Welfare in the US -Least Favorite Class? Intro to Psychology. I never ever ever went because it was sooo boring. I hate biology but at least my professor is nice so I go.


Classes at Albany vary. I've had classes where the teacher couldn't pick me out of a lineup, and classes where my teacher knows my name and even comes up to me on campus semesters later to ask how I'm doing. Like any school, office hours are stressed. The trick to going from a B to an A, is the ability to go talk to your professor and show your face at their office. Professors here are generally very interested in your overall academic and social well being. Since the school is large, professors come from all different places, countries, and stages in life. While graduate students do teach lower level classes, this usually ends after your freshmen year when you no longer have to take General Education classes that are often 100 to 300 or more kids. UA students do have intellectual conversations after class. They just might be a little hard to hear in the bar. Students aren't competitive, they're actually usually very helpful. Classes are often run by a curve, so if you meet a friendly classmate, they will most likely help you out. I've made a lot of friends in class just by asking if they wanted to share notes or study. There is no sense of 'me first', more or less 'shit, did you do that homework?'. At Albany internships are really stressed. Job fairs and Internship fairs occur throughout the year and the school really pushes them. Advisors will be quick to let you know right off the bat how important internships are, and professors are usually eager to help you land one. You get the feeling very easy that the school wants to do your best.