The fall 2020 acceptance rate for SUNY at Albany is 54%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Anything worth having doesn't come easy .
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Describe the students at your school.
My classmates are very diverse and seem to come from many different areas.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
A very out-ging, yet focused person should attend this school.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The weather can be very brutal. In the winter, the wind is terribly harsh. Going outside during those times can be a painful experience. Thankfully it only takes about 5 minutes to walk to class.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
My school is one of the best University's on this side of the Mason Dixon Line. Everyone is so helpful and professional you get the sense that everyone that is employed by this University is rooting for you to graduate and will help in any way they can to assist you with your educational goals. Whatever I did not know when I came to this school, there is always someone whether staff or student to get information from and many sources to confirm your information.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Home away from home.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
My school is unique because there is a diverse population and a diverse surrounding community. Suny Albany focuses on giving back to the community and participating in community service. Many middle and high schools come to the campus and college students are able to tutor and mentor these students. Suny Albany participated in neighborhood clean-up days. Suny Albany has many students participating or running after school programs for middle and high school students off campus. This allows college students to learn how to work in a community and become a leader.
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What's unique about your campus?
I think that the best thing about going to school at SUNY Albany is the fact that everyone is very focused on their work and grades, but they also how to let loose and have a good time. The same people you might see at a party on a Friday night, you can also see in the library on most weeknights.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating thing about my school is signing up for classes. Each semester it's a race to get into the classes you want. Every class seems to have it's seats saved for freshmen and transfers. When you really want a class there is usually a lot of e-mailing to do to the professors of the courses, and if that doesn't work then you have to wait for the first day of class to get a permission number that you're not even positive you can get.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
At the University at Albany, there isn't a shortage of activities to become involved with. The campus is absolutely beautiful, and the people there are very diverse and great acquaintances. The faculty is the best part. They are there to help you to succeed and the best part is that you don't always need an appointment to see them. They are available for help when you need it and can always be reached by email if need be.
Read all 59 answers
Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Albany is largely known for its increasing academic standards, and our diverse campus, with many different opportunities and experiences to meet people, learn about yourself, and become educated in many different fields.
Read all 55 answers
What kind of person should not attend this school?
Procrastinators and those with poor time management skills should not attend this school. You have to able to produce quality work and get it in on time. Also, there are an abundance of groups, fraternities, and sorities that you could join so you need to effectively manage your time in order to get your school work done and be apart of student life.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
The thing that I find best about my school is the wide variety of people that you meet here on a day to day basis. The campus here is so diverse and there are so many opportunities for students to get involved in different clubs and activities and get to meet so many of their different peers. One thing I would change about this school is that I wish we had more funding. The fact that we are funded by the school affects our budget very heavily and we recently had to cut back on some of the language and theater departments, which I do not think is fair at all. The University at Albany, in my opinion is the perfect size for me. It is not so small that people are always in your business, however it is not so large that you are simply just another number. Honestly, it all depends on the type of student that you are. I love how I can still recognize a large majority of students that are Sophomores, such as myself, but that I still get to meet new people every day. It is very likely to have a good relationship with some of the administration here if the student is willing to be outgoing and show their interest. I honestly believe that when I tell people that I attend this school that they are all under the common misconception that we are just a party school. However, when I tell them my grades and the clubs on campus that I am involved in, it is clear that the stereotype is not true at all. At this University, it is very likely that you will spend most of your time on the uptown campus, which is where many students live. The reason for this being that this is where all of the classes are held and where many of the clubs have their offices and events. Many students are found in the Campus Center where there are a few food vendors and where you can find tables and seats to catch a game on one of the TV's, or to simply catch up on homework before a class. I do not believe that Albany is a "college town" at all. Although there are other schools which are close by here, Albany remains a largely residential area. The few blocks downtown are where you will find most Saint Rose and UAlbany students on the weekend. Other than that, most students spend time on campus or in their designated apartments or dorms. My opinion of the administration is that there are a large variety of professors here. Many are very well educated and are extremely well versed in the courses they teach. However, there are some teachers that are very difficult to understand and that causes many problems for the students who take their classes. Many professors are very willing to spend time with their students to help them, however it is all up to the student. I believe the biggest controversy on our campus was the Save Our SUNY walk outs that we were having on campus in retaliation of the budget cuts to the graduate program. However, another controversy that was a huge issue was "Kegs and Eggs" which took place last March. There were a number of students that were arrested for these festivities that took place and the students were hit with a number of repercussions such as the cancelation of Fountain Day in the Spring and the increase in Police downtown on the weekends. School pride on campus is something that varies between the students. I personally know that we do not have school pride like Penn State. We do have a decent turn out at the basketball and football games. However, it all depends on how involved the student wants to be. One experience that I will never forget at this school is getting involved with the clubs that I am in now. I believe that I will make lasting connections here which I can maintain for years, and that is something that I can honestly say. The one complain that I hear the most from the students are the dining halls that we have on campus. Everyone who lives on campus has the same complaints and cannot wait to go home and get a home cooked meal.
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What are the academics like at your school?
At my school it is absolutely possible for a professor to know their students name. There are a number of professors that know my name. I make a point to raise my hand in class and participate when I can. My favorite class has to be right now I am taking an Intro to Policy Analysis course. I absolutely love this course because the teacher is extremely knowledgable and he teaches the course very well. My least favorite had to be my Macroeconomics and Microeconomics courses. The reason being that I was not able to understand the teachers because they were foreign and their accents affected their teaching. I always pass the University Library to get to the Academic Podium and you can always find a large number of students studying there. Especially during finals week and around midterms there is not an empty seat. Many students here do spend their time in the library when they need to, and you can almost always find someone at the library that you know. I believe that in every class there is always a number of students who participate. There will always be those one or two students who always have something to say, however, it all depends on how confident a student is. Confidence translates into their willingness to participate. Teachers always encourage class participation and it is something that can get a students name out there, and to put a face to a name on that roster. I have absolutely found students having intellectual conversations outside of class, especially after a very interesting class. I experience it more often because I am a Public Policy Major and we carry out our in-class debates outside. The Public Policy and Political Science Department at the university are quite competitive. The requirements to enter into the Masters program at the Rockefeller School of Public Administration and Policy is extremely competitive. I believe that is because there are many opportunities for good internships because we are in the capital district. I have not spent as much time with professors outside of class as I would like, however I have spent a lot of time with my Teacher's Assistants. I have used them as a very powerful resource to help me with my papers and assignments in that class. I believe that the education at this school is something that will absolutely gear me towards a job within my major. Many teacher's in my department have first-hand experience with the courses they teach, so I feel that the advice that they give is something that I can take with me within my career.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
There are those who go out to parties every night and those who don't. Stereotypes are always a generalization that are never completely accurate.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
One of the largest student-run organizations on campus is the University Dance Council. This organization offers students the opportunity to dance. Whether it is tap, hip-hop, ballet, jazz, or contemporary, students have the opportunity to take a break from the books and express their emotions through dance. It just so happens that i had the opportunity to be the President of this organization my senior year.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
Who knows for sure.
Google search: Alcohol and Social Norms
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
The usual stereotypes seem to be drunk frat and sorority kids and a general party themed atmosphere without much sense of academics.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
it has a good science program and sets me up for grad school at sage graduate for physical therapy
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Describe the dorms.
7 different places to live on-campus.
Indian:Freshman quad.
State: Mostly Freshman and Sophomores.
Colonial: A mix of under and upperclassmen.
Dutch: Mostly upperclassmen.
Freedom: The oldest of the three. Mostly juniors. You still have roommate but comes with kitchen.
Empire: Mostly seniors. Single rooms. Kitchen. Washer and dryer. Air Conditioning.
Liberty Terrace: Brand new next year! All singles.
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