SUNY at Albany Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at SUNY at Albany? Is this stereotype accurate?


The stereotype of students at SUNY Albany is the crazy party kid. This is true to a degree, but definitely NOT for the whole student population. Firstly, there are never parties on campus. And secondly, there is plenty to do that is not drinking, smoking, and party related. Albany is a city that you can go shopping in, go skating, go out to dinner, see a movie, and attend plenty of school sponsored events. Another thing to be aware of is that not all students are the same. Sure, there are kids who like to party and will go out drinking Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but I would not consider this the norm. Pretty much everyone I know, and that is a great number of people, are involved on campus in one group or another or several organizations, and care a great deal more about their school work and future than partying.


Students at our school are typically seen as big partyers. While students at Albany know how to have a good time, they also know when to buckle down and get work done. Greeklife, while seen as a joke, is actually gaining popularity and organization. It is not only an excuse for sex and drinking, but contribute positively to the community. That is not to say that we don't have fun and go out, but we don't go crazy with it.


There are those who go out to parties every night and those who don't. Stereotypes are always a generalization that are never completely accurate.


Stereotype: The students at UAlbany are wealthy, spoiled long islanders that come up to Albany to be far enough away from their parents so that they can party 5/7 days a week and achieve good grades at the same time because the curriculum is so easy.


A lot of people think that the students here at SUNY Albany just party and thats all. But I know a lot of intelligent people who spend time at the library as well as have fun. The stereotype of my school is its a party school- yes there are lots of parties, but you don't have to go to them. There are plenty of smart people here, not just party animals


This stereotype about Albany is true for some people and not for others. If you want to come here and party, you can definitely do that. If you want to focus on school, you can do that too. Nobody really cares if you like to get hammered every weekend. Just make sure you make the most of your tuition, and don't do anything stupid that makes the rest of us look bad.


sterotype of the students in my school is intelligent. this sterotype accuracy is like 50 percent.


The main stereotype of the students here at SUNY al Albany is that we are all party animals. This is a rather new stereotype that has spread faster than wildfire throughout the country. This stereotype is however not entirely true. Although there are some students who love to party, it is safe to say that these students make up or every party hour by frequenting the library all week. Whenever a student goes into the library, he/she is faced with the reality of SUNY Albany; EVERYBODY IS THERE. It is sometimes even difficult to find studying space in the library and we currently have 2 HUGE libraries on the main campus and one at the downtown campus.


From what I have always heard, ualbany has quite the reputation for being a huge party school. Although this may be true for some students, this stereotype is completely inaccurate. Just like any other college, ualbany has its students that like to party, but this is not true for ualbany as a whole. I do not believe we are more of a party school than any other college.