SUNY at Albany Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best part about SUNY at Albany is its diversity. It truly does bring the world into perspective, but its not just the students but the courses too. We have people coming in from various reaches of the world coming in to learn under a variety of different cirriculums, all any many of which you may share the same classes with, realizing that you may share the same dream.


I love the vibe of the college. There are many events and the college feels like home.


The value. The ammount of academic and non-academic oppertunities.


The best thing about the school is that there is always something to do. People always put up flyers for something or another.


I consider my school's diversity as the best thing. Diversity is extremely important in any institution, but in SUNY at Albany , it stands out tremendously. There are immense number of people from an array of various backgrounds. This type of environment stimulates another basic foundation of education. The type of education that is acquired through the interaction of people. It is up to you to utilize this opportunity, to learn and network.


the best thing about albany is when i first arrived here i made so much friends and the proffesors really helped me do well in my classes. The quad i live in is so diverse and anyone can fit in with any group.


The best thing about SUNY Albany is the friendly atmosphere. From the minute you get here you will never feel out of place. With our large student body it's easy to find students with similiar interests to you yourself or to meet someone from a completely different background. You can depend on equal treatment throughout the campus no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.


The best thing is the affordable price for a degree from an institution with a respectable name. Saving money has allowed me to pursue other goals.


The best thing about SUNY at Albany is the diversity of the students. Because there is such a diversity there are so many different activities, groups, and clubs as well.


I consider the best thing at SUNY Albany to be the ability to have a great social life without it interfering with your education. At SUNY Albany, Students receive an amazing education that prepares you for the real world but the knowledge that is obtained isn't distracted by the social life.