SUNY at Binghamton Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at SUNY at Binghamton accurate?


Due to its distance from NYC, Binghamton provides a good environment for study. I think it is more suited to graduate and post graduate students, than undergraduates. The diverse student population is disproportionate. There are large numbers of particular nationalities - Turkish, Indian, Korean, and Chinese. Other nationalities and ethnic groups are not widely represented.






About half the time


Girls were not that bad, large jewish pop, terrible city with awful townies, about 300 days of rain/snow/clowds.


Change everyone to most and it's true, Our other sports are Division I and always in the top 3 of their conference


of course no, but the occasional classification described earlier dose occur. They maybe 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the time be from NYC / Long Island but people are rarely snobs.


Not really.


Alot of asians, alot of cool kids that could have been in ivys- more laid back version of ivys. alot of underachievers


generally no. There are many students from long island, but we also have many people from different areas, states, and parts of the world. Not everyone is Jewish, or practicing at least, so you cant tell either way. There are many Asian students but they tend to keep to their own groups and tend not to present as a third of the school. The housing communities are stereotyped by what is seen most often. Many frat brothers/sisters live in the same areas on campus, people tend to smoke outside in CIW (a few can spoil the image), Mountainview is suite style living, so you get to know your suite and not many people other then that (those who are outgoing tend to negate this). local students and locals ingeneral are not scary or sketchy, they are actually the nicest people I have had the pleasure to meet. Most welcome the students, if the students dont treat them as if they were trash (this stereotype is continued by people who are [for lack of a better word] douchbags. student government is one big clique. There is tons of things to do in binghamton, pretty much anything you would find in a large town or smaller city (but some just like to be college kids and drink until they pass out.)