SUNY at Fredonia Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about SUNY at Fredonia? Why?


I believe the student population is too little. With a greater population, students would be challanged more academically as a result of more competition.


The worst thing about SUNY Fredonia is simply the expenses. Any college will have expenses out of my reach, and if it were easier to find scholarships, and financial aid, I would worry significantly less about my future concerning money. Although this particular problem isn't specific to the school I am attending, it is the only thing I personally do not like about this college. Beyond this, I so far have enjoyed my experience in Fredonia.


The worst things about the school is that there is no where to report acts of dicrimisnation such as racism, sexism, and homophoias. Many clubs on campus are ralleying against the human resource dempartment asking why is it that if someone is discriminated against, they have no where to turn.


The location is probably the worst thing about the school. Fredonia is a very small town and there isn't much close to here.


The worst thing about my school is that there is not surrounding area. There is no real town to relax in when school is not in session.


How there is not much to do on weekends except party


Theatre majors. They love to form cliques and are dramatic by nature.


The worst thing about Fredonia is the old winters and that the sidewalks dont always lead to where you want to go and it takes twice as long to reach your destination. Also parking on campus is a pain and there is limited parking unless you want to park on the other side of the campus.


I think the worst thing about my school is there isn't enough time in the day to attend all the extra things provided to do.


There's not very many resources available to commuter students and there isn't much parking. It makes commuters feel slightly unwelcome. Often computers in the library and computer labs are taken by studennts that live on campus and have computers in their dorm rooms. There is only one lounge with a microwave and that microwave never gets cleaned. There are no vending machines with food in them, only machines with snacks.