SUNY at Fredonia Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about SUNY at Fredonia? Why?


I think the worst thing about SUNY Fredonia is the recent raising of the cost to attend SUNY Fredonia. SUNY schools are somewhat cheaper than normal colleges in NY state, making them popular among young adults. The recent raise in tuition however, prohibits some students from being able to attend SUNY Fredonia and overall, miss out on an amazing life experience and a spectacular school


I would have to say the wordst thing about SUNY Fredonia is the weather. In the winter it is freezing outside so you have to wear layers of clothing to keep warm. Inside the education buildings though, the heat is always turned up all the way, so you have to peel off the layers. In the Spring it is the opposite. The temperature outside is rising, and so is the airconditioning inside. Often times you'll have to bring a sweatshirt or jacket to class so you don't freeze.


the campus on weekends seems dead sometimes


Not very ethnically diverse. The school is diverse in just about every other way. Everyone is very open and liberal so there's no reason it should not be ethnically diverse. But the diversity is better than it used to be


I think the worst thing about the school is the student/campus center - the Williams Center, which is currently being remodelled.


There is very little to do outside of campus related activities besides going to bars or parties. There is a small movie theater and bowling alley within five miles of campus, but little else to do recreationally in the community. Though there is a nice creek and small hiking area for those who enjoy nature.




At times, there was nothing to do so students had to create things to do, which activites weren't the best choice.


This school is hypocritical sometimes, saying they expect certain things scholastically and financially from students but then not providing adequate resources for it.


The lack of minorites and space to hold events