SUNY at Fredonia Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about SUNY at Fredonia? Why?


There's a lot of red-tape. It's annoying.


The professors and the surrounding bureaucracy without question. Their is no individual treatment. You fall into a rubric and are made to complete it regardless of your merits.


Housing, the buildings are old, the new building is more expensive and there are not enough rooms. The meal plan is also a rip off.


The food and admistrative office, that you can't choose your advisor, too much core classes are needed that are outside your major-they feel like a waste of time and hurt your overall GPA.


A lot of the people at this school are typical college kids and as such are total dorks. They fit all the college archetypes perfectly. Also there isn't all that much going on scientifically here. You'd be better served by UB if you wanted to do science.