SUNY Buffalo State Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


Our diverse student population. Campus is located in a really eclectic neighborhood and our students reflect that. There are people here from all types of backgrouds and we are generally a really friendly school. We love to have fun in all types of ways and of course learn as much as possible.


Art, Fashion, Design,


The University at Buffalo is known for its diversity. There are so much difference races there. It is like traveling the world, without the expenses. There are a lot of activities on campus, so you will not get bored. The work load is managible. Just be positive and UB will take care of the rest.


SUNY College at Buffalo is best known for many things, including the outstanding education program. As an education major, you are able to experince classrooms that offer a variety of different teaching methods, which allow you to figure out what type of teacher you want to become before you start your student teaching placements. SUNY College at Buffalo is also known for its friendly environment, and strong work ethic that can be seen by students, faculty, and staff.


Buffalo State College is best known for its Teaching programs. Although I am here for Communications, I often consider teaching and decided to tcome to Buffalo State and see the teaching programs for myself.


Buffalo State College is best known for its teaching program.


I like assoxination. It's a game that was played all across Elicott where you would get the name of the person you had to assoxinate and what building they lived in. You would have to figure out who the person is and throw a sock at them. Then you would get their signature and send it in to the people running the competition. If you got hit by someone you were out of the game. The last person left won an Xbox 360. Some people went crazy over this game.


Springfest and Fallfest, which is our semesterly concert series. Since I've been here, we've had Ludacris, Nas, Brand New, Rise Against, Bruno Mars, BOB, Jason Mraz, Wiz Khalifa, The Fray, and a bunch others. Another one is Oozefest, which is our annual mud volleyball tournament. Also, all of the different festivals- the Haunted Union for Halloween (+ caramel apple making, pumpkin painting, etc), Holiday Festival in December (hot cocoa, dreidel making, pictures with Santa) Spirit Week before Homecoming (rock climbing wall, car smash, mechanical bull riding)- all with free food, music, and tons of fun activities.


bengal pause every tuesdays and thursdays


OOZEFEST!!! playing volleyball in teh mud!