SUNY Buffalo State Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at SUNY Buffalo State accurate?


To a degree all stereotypes have some truth; that is in fact the origin of a stereotype. Its true that the athletics program at UB may not be one of the best in the country, but our athletics program has improved vastly in the last few years and especially this year a great improvement can be seen across the board. The school is successfully recruiting and training better athletes than ever before and soon that stereotype will be nothing but a past memory. As for the Jewish Holiday thing; yes we get them off, I can't say that that isn't true. As for the Asians, pharm ect and not being a student body of intelligence, those stereotypes are vastly exaggerated. Yes their is a high population of foreign students but that is one of the things that makes UB special. Where else can you sit next to someone that is from half-way across the world with experiences that you could not even begin to imagine? Yes there are many people with majors under the hard-sciences, but that just goes to show that our student body is just as intelligent as other places in the country. Possibly smarter because the SUNY system keeps tuition lower that at other tell me who isn't thinking about their future. O yeah it snows, but it rains even more and you never know when its going to be sixty at 5pm and then 20 at 10 pm.


Some are. Buffalo is cold and snowy, and the city has experienced economic decline. Buffalo is not a "small town," however, as many from NYC would have you believe. The city has a population of roughly 300,000 and the metropolitan area holds almost 1 million.




No. No. Yes. Yes.






No not really. There are tons of social activities to do. As far as support for sport teams, when a team is doing well there is support for them.