SUNY Buffalo State Top Questions

What are the academics like at SUNY Buffalo State?


When I was an undergraduate, most professors didn't know my name, unless I came up to them and introduced myself. If graduate school, it's completely different, every professors that I have knows my name. My favorite class is probably my Biomaterials Lab, it's hands-on, and I've learned so much from my professor and doing things myself. My least favorite class was Heat Transfer. I think students study pretty often depending on their major. The libraries are always filled with students. Class participation is more common in graduate school compared to undergrad. Yes, Buffalo students do have intellectual conversation outside of class, but it usually has to do with a homework problem, a report, or an exam that was just taken. In undergraduate students were very competitive, but in graduate school everyone comes together and helps one another. Last semester I took a Biomaterials and Cell Surface Phenomena class, and it was very unique because it composed of Engineers, Pre-Medicine, and Dental Students. This was unique because we were all able to take our knowledge from our fields and help each other and converse. The professors in my department are extremely helpful and really want to see students succeed. They are always available to talk outside of class if you have any questions about the course or just in general about your future. I think the academics requirements are pretty good at UB. Speaking from an engineering stand-point, we have always had courses and programs that are geared towards getting a job and preparing students for the future.


My biggest pet peeve about academics at Buffalo is not the amount of annoying gen eds (unless you mess up royally they usually boost your GPA), but the attitude that the hard science majors have towards the soft science majors. People in the hard sciences seem to think that they are the smartest people in the world, have the most work to do, and think that everyone wants to hear about it. I am a history/international studies dual degree major. I would like to say that I have enough on my plate to keep me from slacking off. True the hard sciences are very demanding at UB, but the soft sciences when paired with a minor or another major can also be just as challenging. As for classes professors generally do not know your name unless you are in a small class, and sometimes they don't know your name then. Students do not participate in class. I have had one class in my two classes in my four semesters where people actively and willingly participated in class. Generally I do not mind classes and thankfully the student body at UB isn't completely obsessed with classes and they definitely do not study 24/7.


I had an interesting experience at UB: While I loved most of the classes outside my major, I was greatly dissatisfied and discouraged by the courses offered in my major (which was Environmental Design). In fact, during my junior and senior year, the students were actively waging war against the administration of the Urban Planning program - and rightly so. That program was chaotic: professors openly insulted one another, instructors abused students verbally and psychologically, courses lacked content, and grading was unfair. Outside of the Planning Department, however, things were great. I took classes within the Biology Department, the Geography Department, the Environmental Studies program, and the English Department. Most of these were great - caring professors, useful content, and worthwhile assignments. UB offers many, many programs of study. Just be sure to pick the right one and talk to some students beforehand.


Academics wise in Buffalo is alright. Some professors is really tough, but hey thats life. We can't complain but yet try our best to achieve our goal, which is graduate and move on to our next chapter of our lives. I don't spend time with my professors, but i do have a great conversation with them. Buffalo have a great program to help you to get an interview or a job.


Professors actually learn names more easily than expected. They are willing to meet outside of class and are generally good people. Students are competetive. We are the biggest SUNY school. My major blows, we are underfunded and overlooked. We don't have any film equipment past 1980. We get to use crap video cameras and make crap videos.


Classes are either super small, or very large. It all depends on your major etc.... friends are made easily on campus, everyone is quite friendly, and you always see people sitting together talking. If you live on campus the good thing is there is always something to do... movies, clubs to join, events etc. As far as getting a job... I already have a job in my degree and am doing great making a lot of money, so if you think there is no work in this area, your not looking hard enough.


Most classes are too big for teachers to get to know you well. But with so many classes offered you can find the smaller classes with the cool teachers if you try.


Professors know my name but that is because I have made it a point to get to know them. Students study a lot, it is hard to get A's in courses and it is getting harder. Any time that I needed to meet with a professor outside of class I have been able to, and they have been very helpful. My department and major is very neat, is has experienced teachers that have actually done something with their education, and normally are persuing other ventures outside of class.