north and south has its pros/cons
@ N - pretty isolated with pockets of socialization, but then again, thats where the alleged kidnap/rape, alleged gunman in lockwood (spring '10), and suicide (june '10) happened
@ S - bar scene with many good hangouts, always a fun time at S b/c of houseparties and the Drunk Bus, but also University Heights - UB police can't help you b/c you're a UB student, but live off campus, and city police can't help b/c you live in Buffalo city lines, but are a UB student (buffalo police is only good for giving parking tickets)
there are hundreds of academic clubs, sports clubs, intramurals, sirorities, frats to keep you busy. I will recommend you to join anything, even if it is just one club.
Buffalo is not a booming city, and I don't see it to be in the near future, but it is a cheap city to live and play. Bowling, AAA Baseball games, free movies at the student union. There are a ton of stuff to do.
There are tons of different groups you can get involved in and if you are interested they are very easy to become a part of. Students are typically very friendly and open minded. As far as freshamn year i know most people left their doors open and it was very easy to meet people then. Most of my closest friends are the people i lived with on the same floor freshmen year however this is not the case for everyone. Many of my other friends are friends of friends and friends from classes, clubs and out of school activities. Athletic events are not that well attended but the concert series are usually well attended. There are many fraternities and sororities whcih are all located on south campus but i would say they get less important as you go through college if you are not involved in them. Off campus there are plently of restaurants, shopping, bars, and other events to do that do not involve drinking. So whatever you are interested in you can find things to do either way. Not involving drinking there are movie theaters, bowling alleys, shopping malls, indoor golf centers, arcades etc.
I was not involved very much on campus - probably due to commuting and not being a partier. Frats and sororities are loud. I think the campus doesn't work so well for people who do not dorm or live close by. It's hard "breaking in" to groups.
Whatever you become involved in is popular to you. The TrueBlue is a sports pride group which is probably the most widely known. I was President of the American Marketing Association, which is a national organization with a chapter here at SUNY Buffalo. The whole experience was great and I met a lot of close friends. I didn't dorm so I wouldn't know about life in a res hall. Athletic events are a ton of fun with your friends especially if you tailgate. Guest speakers and events are fun and usually are free. I met my closest friends in classes and organizations throughout campus. There is a lot to do in Buffalo when the weather is nice, take a short drive to Niagara Falls/Canada, go to the beach, go to a park, etc. In winter, sports games and skiing are very popular.
My circle of friends are all in athletics and i love it
Being in athletics, I'm obviously going to say that being a division I athlete is popular, but to be honest I'm really not sure what other groups/organization/etc. are popular on campus. I know there are a lot of club athletic teams as well. If you live on a dorm floor where everyone knows one another, yes doors are left open. Otherwise they usually aren't. Athletics events aren't as popular as they should be; guest speakers are usually pretty popular, and I'm unsure about theater events. I meet my closest friends through sports. Obviously athletes for the most part are going to hang out with other athletes. I'm sleeping at 2am, I usually have practice early in the morning. People do party constantly in Buffalo though. There's always something going on. On Saturdays I like to do things like ice skating, bowling, go to the movies, etc. (These are things I also do off campus).
I belong to the UB swim team, and therefore I am blessed with about 50 odd people that I am with every day. We do everything together and generally stick together, my teammates are my friends. We do mix with other athletic teams and through AFA I have been able to meet other people. True Blue is starting to break down the athlete-rest-of-the school divide but it's there. The athletes do not like the Greeks point and fact.
People party at UB and it depends on who you hang out with the amount that you party. For some people the weekend starts on Thursday night, others never go out. For me if I go out in-season it's only Saturday night, but in the off season we tend to have a little more fun.
Amherst, where the North Campus is located, is pretty dull for the typical college student, although there are many places to shop and eat. Getting around Amherst, though, will require a car.
In the City of Buffalo, where South Campus is located, students have access to a decent public transportation system. Many will say that there's nothing to do in Buffalo, but that's because most students don't look farther than the clubs and bars on Chippewa Street downtown. Buffalo also possesses a lot of unique architecture, a great park system, cultural amenities (art museum, historical society, symphony, theater), and entertainment. In addition, Ontario, Canada is right across the Peace Bridge and Niagara Falls is 30-40 minutes away.
I would say friends and clubs are pretty popular, especially when there is club activities, shows, and performances are very entertaining.