SUNY College at Geneseo Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about SUNY College at Geneseo? Why?


i don't find anything bad about devry i love the program it's a little expensive but that's the only down side.


Sometimes it's hard to fit in and can take a while to find your niche, it's hard to find parties if you're not in a Greek organization or on a team, the food is terrible, ResLife doesn't handle anything appropriately (they overreact and underreact to situations), University Police is very strict


I absolutely love SUNY Geneseo. I think the only downside is that there are so many great, wonderful, and friendly people here that it is near-impossible to befriend them all! All of the professors, classes, students, and staff I have met thus far have been phenomenal. To be completely honest, I cannot complain.


The worst thing about Geneseo is the lack of diversity. The amount of white students heavily surpasses other races, the majority of students are from Western New York, and the overall personal views are extremely closed minded.


It is a hard adjustment for transfers. People do not seem that friendly at first and you really have to go out of your way to make social connections.


The Greek life is extremely large and the drinking and drug use is prevalent. I was part of a Greek organization as a means of making friends and having social interaction. Although Greek organizations are an accepted part of college life and have some positive qualities, the combination with a highly competitive environment and an uneven amount of males to females compiled together to create a high intensity alcohol abusing environment. I believe there could be more social organizations and events outside of a greek society.


There isnt much aboutthe school that i dislike, its well organized and highley diversed. Its a great place to learn new studies and meet plenty of new people. It possess' great classes and very helpful administrative staff to go along with the college. Its a very pleasent environment and area around the college which makes for a great college life.


The worst thing about my school is the town it self. While the school is great, there is nothing to do in the town except go to the bars. If you're not into drinking, then it's not going to be all at fun. This can be good because it allows more time for studying, but if you don't go to the bars it's like no one knows who you are.


The food is the worst thing about the school. Its not really that bad but it is the worst aspect of the school.


The worst thing about my school is probably the weather. It gets very cold and very windy, which is not very hospitable.