The fall 2020 acceptance rate for SUNY College at Geneseo is 66%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Breathe and relax. Don?t be afraid, you won?t be alone. Every freshmen is coming in to college wants to make friends and do well, just like you. Keep a smile, an open heart, and friendly spirit. Before long, you will find yourself a support system of friends and mentors. These are some of the greatest times of your life, and it will fly by. You will look back on these days and laugh for hours.
The workload will not be easy, but you are prepared. Keep up your work ethic and ambition. You are stronger than you know. Manage your time wisely. Keep in contact with your loved ones from home. Most importantly, don't let sleep fall to the wayside. It is important to treat yourself right. Maintain your friendly disposition, be kind, and never be afraid to speak your mind. Like karma, everything in college comes full circle. Those who you help out will have your back you when you need it. Hold your head high because you will make your family proud and be happy with the woman you've become. You were learn so much, academically and personally. Get excited for an amazing experience!
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing about my school is its proximity to an urban place. The closest city is 30 minutes away, but some people like that.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish I had known more about Intervarsity and how to become a part of it.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
SUNY Geneseo is a more selective, academically challenging, close knit, super student friendly , four year senior college located in a rural setting that is both conducive to study and a very social college experience.
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Describe the students at your school.
Many people are very aware of what happens in the news, they react accordingly; social organizations mastermind protests against racism, abuse, and assault. Students who are accustomed to the city life would probably feel out of place at the school because this school is located in a rather rural area.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
My school is unique compared to other schools I considered because it is the most rigorous academically. It was the hardest to get into out of all the schools I was looking at. So, it was more of a sense of accomplishment to get into this school over other ones I applied to.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Someone that likes smaller schools and towns
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating thing about my school is the difficulties you face in getting into the classes that you would like. Many of the classes fill up very quickly, so very often you must settle with your second or third choice because you get closed out of the original classes you want to take.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
someone who takes life to seriously. geneseo students need to be able to balance academics and social life.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
The rating of the school, it is very highly recognized within the SUNY sysetm.
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What's unique about your campus?
the quality of the education is the best thing at Geneseo. it has a high-end university feel but at a state university price, which is a major plus.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Work hard play hard
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What are the academics like at your school?
In my experience, the professors REALLY want to help the students in anyway possible- offering accessible office hours, review sessions, etc. But, the key to success here is studying. The library is never empty, and during finals week, you are lucky to find a seat anywhere there, proving to be a favorite study spot for the students. The majority of students take their studies very seriously here, all stressing for that "A". The atmosphere is somewhat competitive, but it's more of personal determination- the people who are accepted here are smart- and they all want to maintain the high grades, so I guess you could say it's more of a personal battle to focus and do the best possible, while learning the most. Classes are difficult, but not unmanageable. The only bad thing I can say is that the school is a state school, with that type of budget. This year, 3 academic programs were cut- Computer Science, Communicative Disorders and Sciences, and Studio Art. However, this decision has not been taken lightly- student protests have become common, showing the strong sense of pride in the school and love of its academic courses.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
Geneseo is a small sized school, but not too small. You can pass people you know walking to classes, and see familiar faces, but not so small that everyone else knows everyone else's business. It is perfect in that sense- you will have good opportunity to make friends due to the size of the campus and overall friendliness of the student body. The town of Geneseo is zoned a historical landmark town. The main street is a nice mix of restaurants, unique shops and boutiques, and a bank and churches. It is literally right next to campus, thus easily accessible. The campus itself is gorgeous, overlooking the valley. However, there are hills everywhere. But once you get used to them, they aren't too terrible. The weather is generally not that bad- it doesn't snow too heavily in comparison to some local areas. The worst thing about the weather is the wind- nothing a coat and hat won't fix!
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
There are so many clubs here that it pretty much is impossible NOT to find one to be involved in. There are academic clubs ( ex. spanish club, chemistry club, education association, geology club, etc.), music clubs ( a cappella groups, theater groups, pep band, orchestras, etc) and other random clubs. Intramural sports are popular as well. The most well attended athletic events are the ice hockey games. The team is great, the pep band is loud and the the fans are excited- it's a good time.
People party on weekends, usually off- campus. However, most weekends there are "Late Knight" events planned (The Geneseo mascot is a knight, a term used where/ whenever possible). These events range from crafts, to games, to dances, and often include free food, always a plus on college campuses.
As for the dating scene? There is a 40:60 guy to girl ratio, use your imagination.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Geneseo is often considered to be a somewhat elitist school - which is a bit strange, given the fact that it is a state school. It's often seen as pasty-white, too, with very little diversity. Strangely, I wasn't aware of this stereotype before I got to the school, but apparently it has a fairly significant reputation as a party school with a seemingly endless amount of frats and sororities. A large selling point for many males, too, is the significantly larger portion of the female population on campus.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
They are true to some extent, however, I have met many people of different races, ethnicities, religions, etc. People are very friendly for the most part though, so everyone gets along quite nicely. And while there are many people from local areas, there seems to be even more from further places from campus, like NYC, out of state, and many long island students.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
There are many stereotypes of students, however none of these stereotypes are accurate, frat kids and jocks aren't jerks, stoners don't get high all the time, and at my school everyone is "geek".
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