SUNY College at Geneseo Top Questions

What kind of person should attend SUNY College at Geneseo?


Laid back, welcoming, outgoing, friendly, someone willing to try new things and put themselves out there, academically focused, someone who enjoys their free time


Anyone who likes the small town/small school atmosphere and likes to be social


Geneseo is a school which pushes its students to achieve greatness. Students looking into this school should be motivated and driven to achieve the highest level of academia possible. They should want to succeed but also want to have fun and participate in the schools activities too. I think students at Geneseo are able to balance achieving high academic excellence as well as engage in a healthy social life.


A person that is kind hearted and likes to be around people. You have to be focus to attend this school and serious about your work.


someone who is intelligent, curious and hardworking, but also willing to go out for a couple beers every now and then.


A student who is really interested in learning and enjoys being around outgoing people.


Students who are serious about their studies should attend Geneseo. It's a great school, but students have to take their education into their own hands; they need to be purposeful in seeking relationships with professor and in seeking opportunities to get involved. Geneseo is not the most diverse school, and at times it is too homogeneous. It's comforting to know that there are so many things to get involved in and help students succeed. Students who want to form close relationships with their professors and classmates should come to Geneseo, but be prepared to work!


anybody! there is something for everyone here


Someone who is very serious about higher education and is capable of applying themselves for an entire semester. Someone who would like to become a K-12 teacher.