SUNY College at Oswego Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known that there was no diversity at all and no other Asian English speaking individuals like myself


I wish i had better study habbits


I wish i had know that i was going to want to me a Music Industry Major and Oswego does not have that


That unless you're living in NYC or Boston, it's awfully tough to find a job with a Creative Writing major -- I wish someone had told me that or listed some career possibilities for me.


the weather


That the teaching program had been reformated.


That being a transfer student would be hard due to trying to fit in with new people. I should have lived in a dormatory.


I wish that I had known how corrupt and unfair the oswego police are up here in this region of new york. They treat the college students here like dirt and try to suck them dry of all their money with bogus parking tickets and disorderly conduct tickets.


I would have liked to see more of the class opportunities and extra-curricular activities. Also, it would have been nice to know a handful of helpful resources to go to for things needed during the college experience.


How to study!