The halls are crowded. It's between classes but I have to find myself. Where could I be? Shouldn't I remember where I was at 10:30 am? There I am, at my locker. "Lori!" I scream at myself but I don't seem to see me. I run over, a look of confusion when I finally recignize myself. "Lori, there is something very important I need to tell you. I'm you from the future. I need you to know that you need to learn how to study now instead of when you get to college, it's alot harder. And when you apply for financial aid, do it sooner. When a boy asks you out, tell him no. Most importantly, when you get to college, it can be very hard to keep up, but don't let yourself fall behind. Keep afloat. Everything will work itself out. Remember to love yourself and never lose your curiosity. Remember these things and do well." I was then cut off. My time is up. I start to dissipate into nothing, going back to my own time. Farewell....
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself so many things. I would say "Katie, apply for every scholarship imaginable; paying for college is more expensive than you think. Save the money you make now because you are going to regret it when you have to call your mom for $10 to pay for feminine products. Pay that $50 to take the SATS instead of opting out on them when you get accepted to college. It will make it much easier for your future self when preparing for the GMATS and job applications. Also, do NOT obsess over all the mean girls in high school. You will be the one laughing, viewing their Facebook profile when you learn you've become prettier and more successful than every single one of them. Understand that life is going to get better and the problems you are facing now will seem so meniscal three years from now. Lastly, I would tell myself to hug my father tight and tell him how much I love him at my graduation day because he won't be alive to attend my college graduation.
Nurul Paramitha
i hope get this scholarship :)
Have an idea of what you want to do before even considering college. College is costly and loans can and will kill. I would advise that you take all gen requirements early so if you're undecided you'll have gen requirements complete. Then when you actually decide a major, you can focus on core classes or any other courses that my interest you. I would also advise to get involved early!You'll appriciate your school much more if you involved and engaged on campus. Join a club, do some community service, play a sport, it's college so your suppose to grow to experience new things. Also focus on expanding your comfort zone. This is the best time in your life to do so, so go for it! Last thing, learn in and out the classroom. You learn more when you make connections with traditional and non-traditonal education. Oh, and have fun! It's college! But always be responsible. Mom and Dad won't wake you up anymore. It's all on you. One last tip, save, save, save! Get a job, spend wisely and save!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to follow my true interests in college. I did well during the first semester of college in a biological sciences major, but I didn't enjoy it. I switched majors after the first semester to social sciences, and I love it. I would have told myself to start off in this major and not waste my time in something I didn't truley love. I would also tell myself to not play baseball. I didn't enjoy it that much, and I felt like I couldn't get the same exerience as a normal college kid. It also wasn't something I loved enough to want to committ the time that the sport required. I stuck it out last year, and I decided not to play this year when I found out I was going to have to have surgery on my shoulder for a muscle tear. I think if I had known these two things in high school, I would have had a much more enjoyable first year of college.
Search out a wider range of colleges, get involved in more clubs/activities.
Now that the final semester of my freshman year is coming to a close, I wish I could go back to my high school self and give a little piece of advice. Being in college is so different from high school. It does not matter if you're popular or rich or have the best clothing brand. When you come to college, you just have to be yourself... You don't need to impress anyone or try hard to make people like you. The only one you should be trying for is yourself. Everyone in college is feeling the same things you are and they're all there for you. At first I tried to be friends with everyone and then I realized that I wasn't surrounded by the correct people. You need to be around those with similar interest and talents so you can talk when you need to and hang out , but also get work done and stay focused on school. After all, you are paying money for your education. One last thing, it'll all be okay.
I would tell myself to focus. If anything I have learned that if you do the work by taking the time and focusing on the material, in and out of class, college is not as hard. If work starts to pile up it is impossible to get back on track. Stay ahead of the game or else you will want to give up. If you focus from the second you start, then nothing will stop you from getting your degree. Focusing also means eating right and being healthy. Focus by going for a run, not drinking soda all the time, and eating right. When you focus, you feel better, more confident, and are much more likely to succeed in whatever goals you set for the day, week or semester.
You are the first to attend college in your family and you may be nervous but you are going to be so successful with many tittles. But the class you are taking is going to challange you, aspecailly your senior teacher and not always in a good way. You will make a lot of new freinds when you go but get ready to learn the difference between friend and aquaintance. College is going to be your biggest wake up call and you may think that it is what you want to do and for that time yes it is, but in the end your struggles will pay off. You will see that the road you have taken ended in a place you have not yet contemplated, but for the better, and for that you will be thankful. One more thing, don't ever regret your past. It's who you are and you are amazing because of what you have gone through and became. So as Mr. Renolds would say every day, "Go out, achieve, succeed and make me proud!"
If I could go back in time and talk to myself I would tell myself to apply to more schloarships. I would definitely tell myself that college is no joke and if I am not prepared I better check myself before I go off to college.