Follow your dream and never give up. Education Is The Key To Success
I didn't really want to change anything, because I was hard working student and also active in extra activities in campus but I keep maintained my GPA always over 3.0. During the last year of my school, I also working part time. It really helped shape the way I am today. My experiences when I was in college, refined the way I am today. If one thing that I want to change was that, I shouldn't being so naive, but hey... I was young then. I made mistake and fixed it :))
I would tell myself that college life is harder than being in high school. You have to really stay focused and on top of your school work if you want to pass your classes with an A. It's not all about partying.
Try and stay focused more on homework and balance social time. Stay away from junk food!
So far in college have had a blast. Professors are good people and the classes have been small. I have met tons of new people who i will be in contact with for life. It is a great experiance.
If I was able to travel back in time and see myself the advice I would give is to work harder get better grades, to embrace the education that is being given to me because education is as important to life as food, clothing and shelter. To go above and beyond live life to the fullest leaving no regets and no what if's.
After time spend researching colleges around New York State i have found a great deal of information. Looking at the pros and cons of schools as well as compaing i have picked the best colleges suitable for myself. If I could go back in time, it may be benificial to tell who I was the knowledge I have aquired about colleges and college life. Overall I would not tell myself anything because I know that the process of picking and choosing a college helped me change. It helped me decide what things are the most important to me and would help me succeed as well as enjoy my life. If I went back in time, I would not give any of the information i have about colleges away. Instead, I would say make a list or what things I excell at and the things I like to spend my time doing. From this list I would be able to concentrate on possible majors and carreers that I would obtain in order to help society.
If I were able to go back in time and be a high school senior I would tell myself to visit every college. It's my future and I shouldn't limit myself. This isn't like high school where I dont have to pay. This is my money for my education. Funding is important and I should make sure I look for somewhere that I will be happy spending the next 2 to 5 years of my life. Also do as much scholarships as possible and try to save up as much money as possible. But little things and save them like coats, clothing, boots. Make sure to be ready to open a bank account with the nearest bank to campus. Make sure I like the community around the campus and I feel safe stepping off school grounds. Contine to use my height to play sports and choose a better school that will showcase my talents better. Speak to people that have already experienced college as well as individuals in my major in choice. I would tell myself not to take the transition into college lightly being that it is serious.
Make sure you do not wait till the last moment to pick your school, and take the time to do your work and stay on top of your do not wait for it to pile up. Your life will be less stressful.
The best advice I can give is to enter into the whole college experience with an open mind. This college thing will be like nothing you've done before, but the friends you meet and the experiences you'll have will be timeless. I highly recommend living on campus since it immerses you into the college life; you'll do better in your classes when you can talk/vent with other students about them, you'll learn what it's like to break free from life at home while sharing a pad with a roommate, and where else can you be around people about the same age with such diverse interests 24/7? If you simply open up your mind to things such as these, you're more likely to have a good time, and as a result do better in your classes. However, those who think college is simply about the classes and getting a 4.0 GPA or those who believe college is just a place to keep celebrating their high school graduation have been mislead. College learning takes place not only in the lecture hall but also in the entire college experience, so take it all in!