SUNY College of Technology at Alfred Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY College of Technology at Alfred know before they start?


If I had the oppotunity to talk to mysely back when I was a highschool senior I would tell myself that I have to brush up on my art skills because I will be taking a lot of art classes throughout my first years. I would also tell myself not to worry about making friends because I will be making some good friends. I willalso tell myself to push myself more so I would get scalorships from my school so that I wouldn't have to take out a loan. I would also tell myself that the transition is not that different, itsurprisingly smooth. The last thing I would telling myselfistoexpectto benfit a lot rom the experience because it's going to be great.


knowing what i know now i would tell myself to get the best grades possible and start scholorship searching sooner rather than later


If I knew what I know now about college I would have told myself to relax. People will like you and you will do just as well in college as you did in high school, if not better. Take care of yourself.


If you want a good college experience make a lot of good friends. Don't overload yourself with work during the first years. Manage your time. Ask for help when you need it, no matter what.


I would tell myself to be more open minded and weigh my options more carefully. Take time to make the best decision for myself.


Take your time to decide what you want do with your life. College can be both an interesting and stressful place. Make sure that yu know what you want to go to college for before going.


My advise to parents an students about choosing a college is to find something you have a passion for and then just follow your heart. If you listen to your heart you can't go wrong. don't choose a school just because of one thing take all aspects into account. How good is the program you are intrested in. What is the campus setting like and would you fit into it. How are your grades based on the accepted students grades. If you can't see yourself there or see yourself getting accepted there then back away. Your heart is telling you no. Make sure you look at every aspect of the college or university. Know what it has to offer. You want to know as much as possible before you make your decision. Sometimes colleges may say they have a certain activity but it is not currently active. This can lead to disappointment and second guessing of your college choice. Know what your getting into and in time you will know you have made the right decition.


I would advise parents and/or students to let the student decide where he/she wants to go. As a student I go to Alfred because it is a good basic education for half the price as going to a big prestigious school. Alfred is excellent to get the general required courses out of the way and then transfer to a well-known school for a masters degree. To make the most out of your college experience, I would suggest that the student be yourself and make your life the way you want it to be. College is like a fresh start and allows the student to start their life any way they want.


When finding the right college always go to an orientation or college visit, if available. I know when i attended my orientation at SUNY Alfred it was very helpful and allowed me to make my decision final. i was able to view the college life, see where i would live and see where activities are held and what goes on. Also ask questions.... when i visited my college for the first time my father asked tons of question to make sure it was a comfortable and suitable place to put his "little girl." The questions help and also teach you on what your going to expect for your school year, so there's no surprises.


Before you choose a college, make sure you visit it. Make sure the surrounding area is a place you can be comfortable in and find things to do. Campus life is just as important as academics. The student will need to be comfortable away from home and be able to fit in. Also, look into all the social programs they have to see if there is anything the student would enjoy. Social life and academics should mix well so that the student can get the most out of their college experience. Having a private tour of the college with an actual student is always helpful. I also suggest having a meeting with the faculty in charge of the students area of interest.