Someone who is unsure of what they want to do but may think of picking up a major that is not common. Syracuse has mostly "generic" majors and not many that are unique.
Syracuse University isn't for people who can't stand the cold.
Someone whom is anti-social and does not like to participate in group activities would not be a good match for Syracuse. This is because there are so many opportunities to get involved and interact with all sorts of people from all walks of life at this University. I personally did not get involved during my first semester and I regret it. So my goal for this semester is to get more involved and make friendships that, hopeully, I will have through the rest of my life.
A person who easily gets lost in the shuffle. People who don't like large universities should not attend here. People who want to shy away in class and don't want to get any extra help will not succeed at this university.
Someone who doesn't like small class sizes where the teacher knows all the student's names shouldn't attend this school. Many of the classes are small in size and the teachers are close to their students. If someone prefers a lot of classes with big numbers, this school isn't for them.
Syracuse University is a school that challenges you: academically and socially Academically, you have teachers who are experts and have written books about the subject they are teaching. Socially, there are so many different clubs and sports events to attend to, that it will be a little hard to manage your time. I believe that is part of the reason why Syracuse Alumni tend to have so much pride. Because they have overcome these academic and social challenges. Therefore, if you don’t want to attend to these challenges, Syracuse University may not necessarily be for you.
Syracuse is a very social University. So those who like solitude wouldn't be very happy. Also those who don't like diversity or people should not attend this school. The weather is also an issue for some, so if some hates the cold and snow....don't come here!! We get alot of snow, and it can get quite cold!
Someone who needs to have a decent amount of warmth and sunlight in the winter to get by, someone who needs to be near a big and bustling city, someone who isn't focused on their major, or someone who doesn't want to work hard in order to acheive greatness.
I think that college is very much about creating your own experiences in the sense that only you can decide what your four years of university will look like. Syracuse University, in particular, offers a wide array of different activities and much of your experience will be determined by the organizations that you join. I think that if you are unwilling to step out of your comfort zone and get involved with what the university has to offer, this school probably would not be a good fit for you because no one will force you out of your dorm room.
Someone who is uncomforatble with diversity and working in groups or on teams will find a hard time with the courses and classrooms. Also someone who doesn't really like trying new things or working hard will find they have wasted their money here. This is a school full of opportunites and only those who are brave enough to take the necessary risks and efforts to succede, will.