Temple University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Temple University?


I brag about how urban the setting is and how many activities there are to do.


Great food, good basketball games, course flexability, diversity, large social life, parties


The population and the diversity of the students on campus. Also the size of the campus.


If I were to brag. It'd be that I did a research expidention in the Summer 2008 with the Chair of the Civil/Env't Engineering department for his 1989 Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill research and I lived on a boat for 10 days in the middle of Prince William Sound, and I am in the CE program, as well as very active and a Second year officer of American Society of Civil Engineers - Temple.


the first thing i love about temple is the university feeling even though it is in the middle of a big city. There is much to do on campus and yet it is easy to go to parts of the city and have many activities. Home is near-by and public transportation is easily available.


It's easy to get places in the city


How close it is to the city, some of the famous alum, how diverse the campus is, learning to be independent in a HUGE city, the great basketball team, how academically challenging some classes are.


Mainly that it's Temple. Temple is such a well known school and is pretty hard to get into so just being a student there is an accomplishment in itself.


Living in the city is awesome. I have access to the entire center city area, with a free shuttle down every 40 minutes. I have my own house and no one bothers me to do anything if I don't want to do it.


I tell my friends the guys are attractive and the environment is welcoming. You definitely won't feel out of place.