Temple University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Temple University?


The kind of person that should not attend Temple University is a person who wants to be in the medical field later in the future. Temple University is a great school for any other careers yet their science major based courses are not up to the level that it should be. A learning experience here for science majors are not very exciting yet repelling.


A person who don't care about others and don't want to succeed in life.


A person who is accustomed to rural or suburbab areas. A person who is afraid to step out of their boundaries and meet new and different people. A person who isn't very social and is not used to being around a lot of students.


I strongly believe that there isn't a person that can not attend Temple U. It is the best place for everyone, everyone finds their niche at Temple.


Very close-minded people.


The school is a great choice for anyone because of its diverse setting and population. It's a very adaptable school. I love it!


An individual who is not open to others thoughts, ideas, opinions, lifestlyes, cultures and etc.


A person that is very concrete in their ideas should not attend my school. Temple is very diverse and in order to go to school here you must be open to others beliefs and cultures and respect them even if they are foreign to you. If you cannot do that then this is not the school for you.


Everyone can attempt Temple. My belief is that as long as you have an honest approach to learning something deeper or learning your proffesion you will be fine. Even those that are a bit more on the slacking side can fit in. Its as if you can take the load thats right for you.


Someone who is not willing to work hard and get good grades.