Texas A & M University-College Station Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


There are many organizations on campus and depending on the desires and wants of an individual a club/group can be found. Fraternities and sororities are present here but I am unsure as to the importance of each. I met my closest friends in class and continued the friendship even when we no longer had classes together. Partying on a large campus is common and there are plenty of places around campus to have fun.


Sorority seems to be very big on campus. I am involved in the Dental Society. They have meetings every other week, have lots of service opportunities, go on field trips (to dental schools), play intramurals, etc. Athletic events are huge... especially the football games. 86,000 fans yelling as one is a pretty awesome experience. Muster is probably the biggest event that happens every year. Muster is a ceremony that honors fallen Aggies. People party all the time here. Last weekend, I went to a party and to Lake Bryan, and studied. Movies, camping, just hanging out, playing sports are things that can be done without alcohol.


greek life is great...i would encourage everyone to join a fraternity/sorority


There are so many groups to become involved in on campus, ranging from intermural sports to service organizations to greek life. I am personally involved in a club team of ultimate frisbee, which is just where a group of friends play in this huge field on campus. Any one is welcome, in fact the more the merrier because that makes for a better game! I am also involved in The Big Event, which is the largest one day student run service project in the nation. This organization is focused on giving back to the community and thanking them for all of their continuous support, whether it is financial or just saying "Howdy" back! There are movie theatres for the die hard movie lovers, but there is even a live theatre which monthly puts on musicals and other plays for the community. The MSC Opas is a group that brings in internationally acclaimed or just talented acts such as Yoyo Ma, The Producers broadway productions, and even Mongolian throatsingers. Each preformance is truly amazing and worth seeing.