My grades at a top university in the state of Texas.
The spirit and tradition. I love how many stories and rituals and traditions there are around campus from Midnight Yell before football games to saying "Howdy" to our wildcat calls to shrieking with excitement when we see Miss Reveille (our mascot), there are so many incredible things that happen at Texas A&M that you simply can't understand until you join the Aggie family. It's a lot of hard work, but simply being apart of the the spirit that keeps this place going makes it worth it.
The sense of Community is unmatched by an other school I have visited and everyone always seems to be happy. I enjoy everyone's drive for higher achievement.
Get involved in the organizations and don't let failure discourage you! Everyone will tell you to sign up for organizations and trust me, it is definitely worth it. Texas A&M has over 900 student organizations to be involved in and they can take as little or as much time as you want to commit, so try new things that you would normally be scared of; you will meet some of your best friends and discover more about what you are interested in. If you don't get into the first one, don't give up!
The friendliness and traditions. They are unlike any other school.
The best thing about Texas A&M is the Corps of Cadets. The Corps is basically a four year ROTC program with no military commitment required, and it is completely amazing! Cadets are taught how to follow, and then to teach and lead others. They learn about physical and mental health/fitness, create strong friendships, and develop self discipline and motivation. The Corps provides academic and financial support, and is second only to the military academies in the number of officers commissioned each year. It develops well educated leaders of character.
I love this University. The campus, students and the proffesors are extreamly friendly, helpful and lively. The lively spirit of the university and all the traditions we have are extreamly encouraging and motivating. The university strives to provide the best educational services to students along with various cultural, social and environmental involvment. Texas A&M university has a very special place in my heart and i believe that evry student should have the opprtunity to experience such diversity and completeness in life.
When i speak to others about my college experience, I always insist that it is like no other college experience. Texas A&M has a strong background in tradition and an overwhelming sense of family and friendship. The traditions practiced at the school encourage teamwork, compassion, leadership and enthusiasm for life. The aggie honor code is "aggies dont lie, cheat steal or tolerate those who do" , this code produces many fine men and women that live it to the tee which makes me very proud to be an aggie.
The amazing amount of opportunities there are to get involved.
The thing I brag most about Texas A&M is how friendly the population is. Very seldom do you come across someone who has not enjoyed their time here, and if they did not it was because they did absolutely no effort to find a niche. There are so many opportunities to get to know people and make life long friends. If you can not do it in a place as friendly as A&M then it will be very difficult for you to do it anywhere else.