Texas A & M University-College Station Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Texas A & M University-College Station?


IThe most frustrating thing about Texas A&M is that the Memorial Student Center, the major student hang out, is currently under construction. The administration decided to renovate the facility, which will take four years to complete. The MSC was my favorite place to go to on campus. It was a place where you could study, eat lunch, take a nap, hang out with friends, or even buy some new A&M gear. I am deeply frustrated that, because the renovation started in the fall of 2009, I was only able to experience the center for a meer single year.


The most frustrating thing about my school would probably be the size of it. Texas A&M has a huge campus. It takes 15-20 minutes to walk from one side of campus to the other. Usually this wouldn't be a problem, but when classes are right after each other it becomes power walk time. I have to speed walk to get from one class to the other in 20 minutes, and I have to make sure I'm ready before the teacher starts talking. This can become quite frustrating when you're walking around with a heavy backpack.


The most frustrating thing about Texas A&M University, is the enormous size. This applies to not only the size of the campus, which expands over thousands of acres, but the large student body that it is able to withhold, which number in the multiple thousands, not to mention the teachers that also teach at the university. The people, everyone is very hospitable at A&M, absolutely everyone. But the shear size of the campus and the amount of people you see everyday is very intimdating to an incoming freshman, probably not use to such campus/student body size.


I believe the most frustartaing thing about Texas A&M is how incomng Freshmen are treated better and helped more quickly than transferring students. Incoming Freshmen get the first choice into which school and major they want while transfer students(whio have proved they can and are willing to work and studyt in college) get to choose afterwads. I do not believe the school should put freshmen before transfer students. I originally wanted to go into Kinesiology major but was unable to since so many freshmen wanted to go into that major.


If I had to submit a complaint about the university it would have to be that they admit too many freshmen in the application process. This is not by itself a bad thing since I have hundreds of other bright minds to rely on; it is only bad when it comes to the new semester sign-ups. With so many students signing up for classes I got selected to be in the last batch for the semester. Being this the case I had horrible selections for classes and found myself cursing at the top of my lungs.


The lack of diversity.


It is a huge campus and it can often be dificult to get from one class to the next. However we have a very effective bus system and if utilized correctly can get you to class no problem.


The most frustrating thing about my school is every class seems to have a test the same week. Instead of being able to study for one test I have to study for three or four at a time. I spend a lot of time studying studying for one test and when I have three or four in one week I spend all of my time studying and hardly anytime working on homework.


It is very irritating when due dates approach rapidly. Sometimes I feel like I never have enough time for the assignments.


Football is only in the fall!