Texas A & M University-College Station Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


The one thing I wish I had known before I became a pre-med student at Texas A&M was how difficult and demanding the work load would be. I study about 5-8 hours a day just to stay on top of my work load, and that's with only 15-16 hours! I enjoy the challenge and love all the knowledge I'm able to soak up. I've learned through mentors and professors how to balance my busy study schedule with a fun and relaxing social life so I can proudly say i regret nothing.


I wish I had known a lot more about many of the aspects of college success. I did not know much about applying for and receiving financial aid, transportation options to campus, and academic resources, such as libraries and places to study. A&M offers information about these options, but I just wish I had taken time to investigate and utilize all of the resources offered by this campus.


There is nothing that I wish I had known before I came to this school. The reason I chose to go to school at Texas A&M was to experience something different. I am learning about other cultures and new traditions. I am growing as a person while I am a student at Texas A&M.


How far the school is from home? Is there a lot of entertainment around campus


I wish I would have known how to study better.


I wish I'd known that I wouldn't like being a Biochemistry major, as it would have saved me a semester's worth of classes I didn't enjoy and credits that are now of no use to me.


Find out more about possible majors and the requirements to apply for the colleges of the majors you are interested in within the University. Be active in pursuing your interests and inclinations early on even if you are unsure. Talk to several different academic advisors to get different perspectives, not just one person. Do not be afraid to ask lots of questions.


I wish i would have known how important it is to do duel credit courses in highschool. It really helps take a load off your shoulders freshman year. I also wish I would have known some better study skills.


The weather in the area changes very quickly and often. It rains often.


I wish I would have known exactly what I want to do for a career. The colleges at this school are competitive to get into unless you're entering as a new freshman. Many of the classes, even the freshman ones, are designed specifically for each major as well. I feel a little lost not knowing what I want to do, and you have to declare a major at 60 hours. I also wish I would have applied for more scholarships beforehand--this college is expensive.