I would tell myself to learn how to study, and balance college life with sports and my social life. College is nowhere near high school. In high school, it was really easy to manipulate teachers and assignments and tests, but in college, you really have to know what you are talking about and cannot just "get by" with as little effort as possible. I would also remind myself that, although it is fun every once in a while, partying really isn't all that cool, and only makes things harder on yourself as a student.
I would advise anyone wanting to go to college for the first time to consider taking courses at community college before going to a four year university. I have made it ok but eseveral of my friends have either had to drop out or are struggling to keep up with the work load and the responsibility of being on your own.
Dear Jordan,
I would like to let you know that college life is similar to high school life. The major differences include things such as your classmates and peers, but most importantly the teachers. I can not stress this enough, a professsor will fail you if you don't do at least most of the the prescribed work. Believe it or not, you may even have random free time between classes; which you will decide to spend on cumpus, being that you can't afford gas. However, most of what you will experience will feel firmiliar. Staying up late at a party will still make it difficult to remain attentive during class. You will raise your hand to use the bathroom, lest you interupt the professors train of thought. Lunch is horrible and you have no desire to do homework. Although, you realize homework's importance when you fail your first test, for you may have just wasted your tuition. All in all, the curriculum continues what you learned in high school and is every bit as difficult to learn.
You did it, you survived the first 3 years of high school. I know that everyone says it's ok to get Senioritis, but DON'T DO IT! You must go to every class and take advantage of every opportunity to increase your knowledge because college is nothing like high school. The classes are insane. Take as many AP and dual enrollment classes as you can. Each class that you take now represents less time and money spent in college later. Please apply for every scholarship under the sun. I know that you aren't left handed or 6 feet tall, but you can play a mean air guitar. I'm sure someone's offering a scholarship for that. Keep your dearest friends close because you're going to need their shoulders to cry on when you can't get into your English Comp 101 class because it's full. And for goodness sake learn how to cook so that you don't gain the dreaded Freshmen 15 eating pizza and hot wings.
P.S. Take some time to smell the roses, life goes by really fast. Before you know it you'll have to get a job.
Looking back two years ago when I was a senior in high school I would tell myself to start looking and researching colleges when the school year first started. It is very hard to make a decision based on very little information because I waited till the last minute to start thinking about college and if I would even want to go away or stay home and attend a communiversity. I would also ask myself "what do you want to do?" instead of going by what I thought others would want for me and what would make them happy.
If i could travel back in time and make decisions about my college life, i would make up my mind about what i want to study and go for it. I feel like i have wasted a lot of time, money, effort and a lot of other things i cannot account for just because i was confused about what i wanted to study in life. Education is important. Every student should take it seriously and make a firm decision and stick to it.
One other thing i would do is, find a mentor. someone who can guide me as a freshman and take advice. Listen to seniors and visit with professors to find out what is right for me and make a decision on my future on my own.
Now i know that there is nothing i can change about my past but i am not going to continue to make same mistakes i made in the futue. I want to compelte my Masters and Phd and i am going to be confident about what i want to study and just go for it, no matter how hard is it.
Megan, Keep your head up high because there are going to be times that will want to bring you down; but you can't let that happen. There are friends and even some professors that will help you through the rough times so remember to thank them. Remember to get the majority of your core classes done in the first two years so that you are not dealing with them during you Junior and Senior years. College is about workign towards your degree and learning about yourself, this should be a fun time so don't miss a beat.
Up until now, I did not realize how important school really is. I know it takes alot of time, but you have to trust me, it will pay off in the end. I am telling you this not as one speaking out of ignorance, but as one that has experienced first hand how competitive the world truly is and as one that used to be much like yourself. I know it might seem like other things are more important at this point in your life, such as hanging out with friends and girls; but the truth is, high school is an important stepping stone in reaching your goals and you only get one shot at it. You can do it Michael! You have to have Faith in yourself and believe it is possible. Do not be like how I used to be, so stubborn and prideful that you feel you have to learn from your own mistakes. It is good to learn from your own mistakes but be like the wise and learn from other's mistakes. Do not fear failure or success. Tomorrow is not promised Michael so make the most out of every opportunity.
I have transfered to many schools in the past couple years, and it has been difficult to transfer classes and lose a lot of classes in the process. I would stick with ONE school and devote my time and effort to finishing at that specific school. I would also tell myself to enjoy the simplicity of school . I am married and had a child while still in college, and I never realized how good I had it without all my responsibilities that I have now. Coming to college is an experience in a life time, to make friends/connections/going to parties, get togethers, supporting your school at sports games and having that experience of friendships and stories to tell down the road. No matter how hard things get , you always learn from your mistakes and college is about finding yourself and to find out what you want to do for the rest of your life. It is seriously the best, most rewarding experience (besides being a parent) that you will ever have and it would be a shame to worry about the small stuff or to miss out on this opportunity.
I wish I would of thought about college before I did then I would of had longer to get everything together and it would not have been a speedy process or as stressful. Knowing what your want to do when you get to college keeps you from taking classes that you do not need and there for you do not waste money. I wish I would ahve applied for more scholarships my senior year too so I would not have as many student loans from my undergaduate degree. I also would have worked harder if I knew that I was going to college and maybe I could of recieved more/better scholarships.