Texas A & M University-Commerce Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas A & M University-Commerce know before they start?


If I could go back in time, the advice I would give myself will be to work hard and study more in my high school year. The more Advanced Placement classes I take will help me earn college credit. I would advise myself to fill out more scholarships. Saving all the scholarship essays will also help being that some scholarships require the same essays. I would advise myself to continue working hard and being involved in campus during high school so when I get to college, I will know how to balance extra activities and my school work. I would encourage myself to get a job. College costs a lot of money and if I would have worked in high school, I wouldn't be struggling financially in college.


Organize yourself as soon as possible. One of the biggest problems that most college students encounter, is that they can`t keep up with amount of work. What I have learned, in my own experience, is that it is not that there is so much work, it is just that it looks like it. When your not sufficiently organized, your notes seem too much, your assignments seem too many and your time seems too little. The faster you find a system that allows you to have everything neat and organized, the better you will be able to cope with everything that college entails. Do not wait untill the week before the final to start putting your notes in order. By that time you will have lost valuable time in which you could have studied more, spend some time with your friends, or just relaxed. Instead, start the first day of class, and that way, everything will appear clearer and your college experience will be more enjoyable.

sung Hei

The advice I would give him is to listen more. I would tell him, he has listened, but not enough. He should not just listen by his ears, but by his heart. I would suggest him to listen more to the one that has more experience and knowledge then him; he should listen to his heart deep inside; he should listen to the wind, the bird, the sea and every thing around him. After all I will let him know why. I will let him know that listen can help him to gain wisdom, which is knowledge to choose what is right, also choose between good, better and best. I will let him know that listen can help him find what dose he really wants, which is not what the world want, but what dose he really want in his deeply heart. I will let him know that listen can make him happier, because he will appreciate and treasure all the things around him more.


I would tell myself to focus on becoming a teacher. I was a little unsure of my major when I began taking classes so because I changed my major I was behind a year in graduating on time. Instead of it taking me four years, it took me five. I would also tell myself to concentrate more in my history and math classes and to make sure and take plenty of notes because they will come in handy. I was very shy and an introvert when I graduated high school, so I would definitely tell myself to venture out more and be more willing to make relationships. Some more advice would be to make exercising and nutrition a higher priority, because working out at the gym will make you feel great and you will meet a lot of great people. Finally, just to study hard because before you graduate you will meet the love of your life and future husband!


Upon entering college at Texas A&M University Commerce I was not sure what to expect. However, after one semester of attendance, I have to say that the experience exceeded all expectations I had. In high school everything was easy and I didn't really try at anything. I could sleep through classes and still make an A. (literally) However, education at the collegiate level is called higher education for a reason; you actually learn in college. I have found myself thriving in a community with other hungry learners yearning for an education beyond PE class in high school. I have discovered a newfound passion for learning and for education, so much so that I am contemplating becoming a teacher at a high school or college level. Attending college has done nothing short of a miracle. Where I used to hate going to school and learning nothing, now I am excited about school and can't wait to learn more. If I had the chance to make the decision over again, I would make the same one. Attending Texas A&M University Commerce is the second best decision I have ever made. Accepting Christ was the first.


My college experience, thus far, has taught to stand up for what I believe in. Before I ever attended a college class, I wouldn't say a word in class even if my life depended on it because I was always afraid of being wrong or offending someone. When I went to my first college class, I soon learned that you're going to get left behind if you speak up. Whether it's asking a question or saying something during a discussion, if you speak up people will listen. Sure, you are going to offend someone, but you can't make everyone happy. Different point of views is what makes up this campus and this nation. We are all part of a multicultural country and I believe that we should embrace this fact. And I do not believe any of us can truly grow without accepting this.


In August of 2009 I enrolled at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. I went to college basically to play soccer. Sure, I knew the main goal was to get an education, but soccer is the only reason I chose to go to the school. With soccer I ended up meeting people from various countries and I had to learn how to adapt to my surroundings. When you live with someone from another country you will learn what morals and values different cultures truly believe in. College is a great experience that high school students should at least try to take part in. It is great! However, I did learn that handling your business is the first key to success. I had to go to administration offices day after day because my account always seemed to have a problem. Being in college one can not depend on their parents to bail them out all the time. Sometime a person has to wake up early on their own and make their own decisions. With that being said I personally have learned more than just what my teachers wrote on the board. I have learned more about myself and my country.


It's definitely not easy to start the college process. At Texas A & M there were plenty of people to help me.


I start classes on January 10, 2011; however, even though I am 37 years old, this has truly given me a brand new outlook on life. It has proven to me that I can achieve anything I set my mind to do and I am stronger now than I ever knew. It's a new world out there, BRING IT ON!


College is a great place to experience diversity and gain great communication skills. I've learned that college is not as hard as people make it seem; it's about how you control and apply yourself. College has been valuable to me because it was an opportunity that excluded me from my communities' negative sterotype. College has truly exposed me to new, bigger, and better things that life has to offer.