Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi Top Questions

What should every freshman at Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi know before they start?


College hasn't molded me in the same ways as your typical "lost" student coming out of high school. I had my morals intact and wife-to-be already on my arm as I first strolled through the golden arches of upper level academia. However, all the subtleties of life education that TAMUCC failed to teach me are made up by one grand impression. A guest speaker at the school so impressed upon me an idea that I now find myself in graduate school when just 8 months ago I couldn't wait to depart textbooks forever. This speaker spoke of finding a passion, not a career; a passion that will excite you every morning. I was under the assumption I would find a job that would pay the bills. Who cares if you like it? That's just what you do in this world, you work to pay the bills! I was wrong. My college experience has taught me to pursue passion, not just after work but for work. I am truly indebted to that college experience because without it I would simply be making money right now instead of on a path to a lifetime of fulfillment.


I did recieve finacial aid for 2010 which helped out more than words can say. I appreciate anything that is offered to me so I can further my education.


Few minority students are aware of what comes after highschool. In my case, this led to a somewhat rocky start that to this day I am still smoothing. My plans were all given to me by other's personal opinions, ignorant of what I wanted. My college experience thus far has not only opened my eyes to the possibilites but also made me more aggresive in pursing my goals. College is a simple process if one is conscious of the details. I learned responsibility, I learned that sometimes second chances are not probable and I learned that having an unstable plan is better than having no plan at all. Being the first to go to college is a great honor as it is burden. Expections are high from all different parties but it is worth it. I love college. I love being able to learn not just in the classroom, but life lessons necessary for establishing and nurturing a career. It is because of college that I am sure Ill be graduating not just with a degree but with ambition and direction.


I have gotten out of college so far is that the world does not revolve around me. i should respect peoples preferences and way of life. everybody is different in college too, we are all grown and are responisble for nobody but ourselves. i have definetly made some great friends while being in college, and i find that more vaulable than anything.


My college expericence so far has been overall good, but there have been some bumps along the way. I started my first college courses 2 days after I grauated highschool, and for me that was the best decision. With my expericene I have learned how it feels like to have to be organized, and in control of your work for classes since it college it is all your responsibility not the teachers. There is alot me out of class reading than I first excpeted. Attending a 2 year technical school was more valuable to attend for me rather than heading straight into a 4 year university. I learned and expericened how college is and how most professors are with a smaller school. It was also very valuable to attend when it came to the finiancial end of things. The cost of college is overwhelming to me and worries me on who I am going to attened school and pay for it. College is a great experience overall no matter where you attend, and these days people have to have an education to get that great job they have always wanted.


So far everything about being in college has taught me something from going to class to doing assignments. The most important value that I have gotten out of attending college is time management. Every person that comes out of high school thinks that they have good time management, so did I. My first two weeks of class made me realize that I need to make a daily schedule just to keep up with class work. After finishing my first semester my time management skill have improved through the roof. If you don't learn anything else your first semester you will still learn time management skill that will help you throughout life. Attending college has also had very valuable points as well. Learning to talk in front of crowds is a great skill that I improved on while attending my English Composition class. Writing at a scientific level and correctly being able to give proper citation to other authors was also valuable, but the most valuable aspect of college that I have learned is to make friends and have a good time while improving your chances at living a successful life.


Ihave learned tobe moe independant and that college is much harder than I thought it would be. The professors do not play the same games that the teachers do in high school.


What i have gotten out of my college experience is, stepping into a world where you have to do things on your own. All the way up until you go to college you are living at home with your parents and your dependent on them to provide food, shelter, stabilty and knowledge. When you go to college especially a college that is far away from home, you have to learn to be independent and not always count on someone to help you when times get tough. You have to learn how to pay bills and buy the necessary things that you need to survive. Also, i have learned that i 'am capable of achieving anything that i apply my mind to. Since i have been in college i have grown so much as a person and i know how to provide for myself and can balance going to school and living on my own. It has been very valuable attending college because it has made me the strong person that i am today and i have matured and grown to be a positive respectable person that can stand on her own to feet with no help.


Out of the two months I have been attenting college, I have learned that it isn't as easy as people may think. It is truly heard word which I am prepared for. I am a very committed individual who see's a future in the Law field. I see myself in school for quite a while and I am prepared. I am very dedicated. College has taught me responsibility. I have given up weekends and dedicated them to homework and studying. I don't mind doing that for the next 6-8 years. I have not only learned responsibility but I have also learned how to manage my time. Something I have never really put much thought into but I have realized that time management really does make a difference in your life. The outcomes of the college experience I am having are all positive and I can't wait to see what else it throws at me.


I have grown up alot, from a young girl having her parents do everything for her.To a very responsible young lady, who takes care of herself, studies, and works hard for what she wants in life.